Arc 7.6 Xiao Hua

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Chapter 7.6 Xiao Hua

*Sound of Flute*

A figure in red sat atop a tree branch, her enchanting figure was so mesmerizing that one would stop and stare at her and look at her play the flute.

The melody that the figure in red was playing was very pleasing to the ear, its melody was so soothing that it would be able to lull someone to sleep.

But within the beautiful melody was a melancholic sound, deep loneliness and longing could be heard in the music.

The longer someone listens to the music, the deeper they drown within it.

It was like the sound of a mermaid trying to attract the sailors with their beautiful voice and to their death they fall.

The music was getting louder each passing second like the player was trying to chase something, it got louder and louder until....

“Whose there?!"

A deadly flower petal flew in the air and stab a tree.

“Ah! I almost got hit!" A voice of a man said as he tumbled on the ground.

“Who are you and why are you watching me?"

Xiao Hua did not give a f*ck about what the man said and quickly asked him her question.

“My name? I'm Li Tian. I was only passing by when I heard you playing. I just stayed to listen."

Li Tian scratched his cheek embarrassed of being found out.

‘Wait, Li Tian? The ML?! What is he doing here?'

“How did you find me anyway? I'm very confident about my stalk-- hiding skills. No one has ever discovered me before."

‘Did you really have skills? Such lousy tricks, how would I not know? And was he just about to say  stalking?'

“Cheap trick."

Xiao Hua jumped down the tree and was about to walk away when Li Tian suddenly held her wrist. She looked at him.

“Uhm... What's your name?"

Li Tian quickly let go of her wrist when he realized what he has done.

“NOYB." Xiao Hua said.

“NOYB, what?" Li Tian asked confused.

“None of your business."

And with that, Xiao Hua disappeared in the night.

Li Tian who was left all alone was speechless for a while before he chuckled and then laugh out loud.

“What an unbelievable woman."

Li Tian chuckled as he shook his head and left that place with a light heart.

A week later, Xiao Hua was already at the borders of the Ying Sect.

She was already ready to face the enemy of the original, Qiu Yue, the one who stole her throne.

“Qiu Yue, oh Qiu Yue, you better be ready for my return."

Xiao Hua smirked as she walk the path towards the Ying Sect.

Smog as thick as a blanket and black as night surrounded the entrance of the Ying Sect.

Xiao Hua just smirked at the smog for she thought that it was just childs play against her.

The thick smog was a mixture of fog and poisonous substances that was mixed together creating a dark smog.

The smog was one of the Ying Sects protection barrier, it helps them ward of their enemies and unwanted visitors.

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