Chapter 6.14 Yu Sheng

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Chapter 6.14 Yu Sheng

Yu Sheng's face was ugly after she finished listening to the Empress, her thought was deep and unknown and sighed.

“What do you think?" The Empress asked.

“We will go to war." Yu Sheng said resolutely not wavering for a bit.

“Why do you want to go to war if there is a more peaceful way to settle this matter?" The Empress frowned at her choice.

“Peaceful my a**!" Yu Sheng cursed.

“Watch your words young lady." The Empress berated her.

Yu Sheng was so angry when she heard from the Empress that the Revolution are planning to make a long term treaty with them.

All is good and dandy but the treaty is not just a treaty but a marriage alliance! A f*cking marriage alliance!!

And that is not the worst part, the worst part is those Sons of the Desert dare to ask for her to marry their prince for the alliance!

Her, Yu Sheng!

Who do they think they are to make their ugly prince marry her?!

They also said that if she won't marry their prince, then theyll go to war again.

This time, they plan on winning which can definitely happen because as of the moment an army of about 100,000 soldiers had already siege a few of their territories. They took advantage of the fact that the Empires soldiers are away so the mice had played!

It looked like the Revolution had planned this for so long, they were even able to gather 100,000 soldiers.

Yu Sheng bet that they asked for help in the other tribes surrounding them. But a marriage alliance is still unbelievable, she bet all that she have that the marriage alliance is just an excuse!

They are already half way through their territory, requesting a marriage alliance in this time seemed suspicious.

“Father, do you think that I'm afraid of them? I'm not! Also, if I married that ugly prince of theirs what would happen to my Mate?"

Hearing Yu Sheng's words, the Empress felt guilty thinking about Shao Zhu who was happily spending his time with her Emperor.

“But the people.."

“F*ck the people!" Yu Sheng almost raised her voice.

“Your really not agreeing to this marriage, are you?" The Empress hardened her voice.

“Why, are you selling me out? Is the Empress of the Empire afraid of the Revolution now?" Yu Sheng mocked.

“Yu Sheng!"

The Empress who was bottling her anger of being cursed and being scolded could not help but call Yu Sheng by her name while raising her voice in the process gaining the attention of the other two.

“My dear, whats wrong?" The Emperor quickly went beside the Empress.


Shao Zhu looked at Yu Sheng and the Emperor, he could feel the tense atmosphere between the two.

“Yu Sheng, this is a royal order. You must marry the prince of the Revolution or else..." The Empress looked at Shao Zhu who was beside her.

“Try me!"

Yu Sheng glared at the Empress as she held Shao Zhu within her arms protectively.

“I won't let you harm Shao Zhu and most of all, I won't marry that ugly prince ever! Father, if you still see me as your daughter, please stop this nonsense already because I will never do it!"

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