Arc 6.13 Yu Sheng

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Chapter 6.13 Yu Sheng

“What are you looking at?? Yu Sheng asked while watching Shao Zhu playing with their hands, she really found him cute doing so.

After their intense love making, the two finally stop when it was finally dawn. They happily slept for a while when Yu Sheng was suddenly awakened by Shao Zhu who was playing with her hands.

“I just though that our hands fitted together perfectly." Shao Zhu beamed at her.

“Hmm. That is because we are made only for each other."

Yu Sheng kissed the hand that was intertwined with hers.

“Perfect for each other." Shao Zhu also agreed smiling happily as he held unto their interlocked hands more tightly.

“You look really happy, ZhuZhu."

“I am. I'm happy because I'm here, your here, were together."

Shao Zhu held their interlocked hands in front of his face.

“Are you also happy?"

“I am very happy. Not only because we are together but because your already mine."

Yu Sheng grinned stupidly as she caressed the mark she left on his neck. It was the mark of an Alpha that claimed him, her mark.

The mark on Shao Zhu's neck was the same as the mark on Yu Sheng's neck, the mark was in the shape of a fire Phoenix being tangled in a golden thread.

Being mark by an Alpha means that the two would be tied together, forever, they would feel each others emotions and be hurt when the other is hurt.

But the most terrifying part of being Mates is that, if the Alpha took another lover, the Omega would feel intense pain that it would be better to die instead.

That is why, in Royal families the Alpha never marks their Omega in fear of hurting them but Yu Sheng was an exemption of this rule because she would rather die than taking another lover and hurting her Hubby.

Even if the world is the price for her love, she will willingly destroy the world for her Hubby. No one can separate the two of them, not even the Heavens.

“Cici, please dont ever leave me."

Shao Zhu buried his head on her chest tightly hugging her.

“I won't. Trust me, I will never leave you no matter what happens. Even if I had to go against the world for you, I will willingly do so. I love you, ZhuZhu."

Hugging him tightly within her embrace, Yu Sheng kissed his forehead lovingly.

“I love you too, Cici. Always and forever."

“Back at you. I love you from moon and back, love."

Yu Sheng held Shao Zhu's hand tightly knowing that her Hubby is nervous to meet her parents.

Shao Zhu felt like he was about to faint from nervousness even though they were still standing at the door.

“Are you okay, love?" Yu Sheng caressed his cheeks as she comforted him.

“A little nervous." Shao Zhu honestly answered.

“I know. Your hands are really cold you know."

Yu Sheng smiled helpless as she looks at her little lover.

“Do you think the Empress and Emperor will like me? You know I'm..."

“Stop thinking about them being the Empress and Emperor, today they are only my parents. And love, they will love you just like I do. Well, not really like I do. They will love you as their daughter-in-law, you know your so cute love." Yu Sheng said pecking his lips.

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