Arc 7.18 Xiao Hua

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Chapter 7.18 Xiao Hua

The fight between the villain and the protagonist continues on, Qiu Yue who was supposed to have a higher cultivation than Li Tian was the one being cornered instead for an unknown reason.

Qiu Yue was supposed to win awhile ago but since the moment Li Tian's eyes went red he was slowly losing instead.

If before he was the one being in the offense, now he was the one being in the defense.

Li Tian's strength on his sword was becoming heavier and heavier that sometimes Qiu Yue would feel his hand shake because of the strong force.

He thought that he would lose this round against Li Tian but something unexpected happened instead.

Li Tian who had the upper hand in the fight suddenly yelled in pain he clutching his head.

Falling to his knees, he yelled out loud.


Qiu Yue was at first confused at what to do when Li Tian suddenly went to his knees but remembering his original intent he raised his sword.

Seeing his chance to strike a deadly attack, Qiu Yue went for the kill.

But when Qiu Yue was about to strike Li Tian, Xiao Hua held Qiu Yue back and quickly put up a barrier.

Qiu Yue was confused at first why she held him back but what she did next explained why she did so.

Dark energy in a liquid form came out of Li Tian's body hitting the other Righteous Sects disciples soaking them with it.

It drenched them from head to toe, the dark liquid leaked out dark energy.

What is this?

One of the Senior disciples tried to get the black thing off his body but it only spread more on his skin.

It even spread on his hand that was not soaked with it.

"Ah. Why cant I rub it off?"

Another Senior disciple also tried to rub the black thing using a cloth but to no avail he failed.

"Ah! What is happening?"

Yi QianQian who was also soaked with the black liquid panicked when suddenly the black liquid merge with her skin.


"Wah! Ahhh! It hurts!"

One by one, the disciples went to their knees as they roll on the ground in pain.

They felt like their whole body is being consumed by fire as the scorching feeling kept on increasing, their skin developed red blotches as their body temperature kept on increasing.


"What's happening to them?"

Qiu Yue was astonished.

He watches the disciples in front of him rolling on the ground in pain, their body being consumed by dark energy.

They are being consumed by dark energy.

But the dark energy that is consuming them is different from the usual dark energy because this dark energy is... man made.

Xiao Hua said as she look at her surroundings guardedly.

It looks like the Mastermind still hadn't left his place yet.


Li Tian who was in his knees screamed in pain gaining the attention of the two back to him.

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