Chapter 6.7 Yu Sheng

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Chapter 6.7 Yu Sheng

“Master, are you ready for the banquet?" Xiao Fei asked the moment she entered the door.

“Do I even have a choice?" Yu Sheng said in a bad mood.

The Emperor and Empress threw a big banquet to celebrate the return of the war heroes who had successfully defended the borders against the enemy, the Empires greatest enemy the Revolution.

Revolution is an empire that was led by men, they call themselves the Son of the Desert as they are living in the vast desert.

Revolution was led by men because they do not believe or they disagree to let the woman take power, they founded this empire to go against the Woman Empire.

The Sons of the Desert is the Empires greatest enemy, their bad blood goes way back to their ancestors hundred of years ago.

The Empire and the Revolution wage war again and again to each other. But, it was mostly the Revolution who always wage war with the Empire in hopes of defeating the Empire.

But the war between the two empires would sometimes end in a truce or always end with a win for the Empire.

But the Sons of the Desert seemed to not know the word enough because no matter how many times they failed, they still went on and wage war again and again like a bunch of zombies.

The Revolution keeps on coming back like zombies, spawning non-stop, they still got defeated by the Empire again even though they came prepared.

But thinking about the bad blood between the two countries, Yu Sheng who read the secret history between the two in the deepest and secret most part of the royal library found it funny that the start of the fight of the two country was because the daughter of the founder of the Empire who later became the Empress failed to cater to her husband's wishes so the bad blood started.

“Stupid." Yu Sheng thought as she sat on her sit, just below the sit of the Empress.

“Subject greets the Empress."

“Subject greets the Emperor."

“Subject greets the Crown Princess."

“May the Empire be filled with prosperity for thousands of thousands of years!"

Nobles, Generals and soldiers bowed down in respect to the three almighty figure in the Empire.

Their respect for the two individuals in the throne could reach until the sky and above for their love for their people were boundless and they brought the Empire in new heights.

“Rise." The Empress said.

“Thanking the Empress." Everyone said as they stood up straight.

“My loyal subjects, we are gathered here today to celebrate our war heroes victory over the Revolution who had waged war on us for so many centuries already. I, the Empress is very proud of my loyal Generals and soldiers who went to war to fight for us, our Empire. Forgetting their fear of death, leaving their love ones behind not knowing if they could still return, our brave heroes, give them our warm applause for their victory."

Thunderous sounds of clapping erupted in the hall, the heroes of war stood tall filled with pride for the praised and love they were receiving.

After the thunderous clapping, the Empress then gave the war heroes the reward that befitted them most for being successful in war.

Every soldiers erupted in joy when the Empress told them that they can stay for a month in the Capital to stay with their families, they really misses their families.

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