Mon 19th Jan

52 3 1

Ok so this is actually a really cool thing. I was finally going to the high school I'm actually going to, but it was just a modified version of my old school. Now I was walking down, when a pad of coloured paper was handed to me, and I was instructed to take 2 and pass it along. I took 5 P U R P L E ones, I do what I want. And I passed it along an headed down the stairs, saying to survive its all about getting the upper hand on the adults.

I saw two girls playing handball. Two Maudries were there, one bigger then the other, and when I tried to talk to them, they just cried. I felt preety bad, but I walked to my bag. Apple was next to me. And in the line across.... fucking cooper was their. He is SO annoying. The little shit. Then, he had my 3ds balancing on his finger. I quickly took it and yelled NO! And u put it back into my bag.

Then the principle was on the stage, welcoming us all blah blah blah. He then said for us to go to our proper lines, and about a hundred FIVE year olds kids ran over the stairs and i was told to go with them. But I'm not a little kid!

Anyway I ran over, and the stairs I kinda had to c l i m b. they were huge.
Then I woke up.

Eeh idk. Not much to say so,

Anyway guys,

Love Enders,
Love video games,
Love the digital realm.

Stay classy~


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