Mon 12th jan + updates

67 6 3

So I'll begin with the dream:

So I was at my old school for a day. And I was hangin out in the library for the day, for god knows what reason. Exept for some reason, the library teacher was a lot grumpier then I remember. (She was really nice). Anyway, I was in that same corner I spent 50% of my childhood in, where I used to draw Pokémon, playing it on my 3ds. She then warns me that a class of year ones are coming to play, and I was allowed to play the computers with them. I love those computers. So I went and sat in my old favourite, the very middle computer. It loaded my acc very quickly cuz it used to be the only one I played on. And I heard laughter and screaming. Fuck there here. I turn around and notice theres HUNDREDS of them!! I braced myself, and said in my mind "ok dragon, you can deal with them, you won't hurt them, dragon you do have to do it for miss crow!".

And so they came!!! And only 3 came. Just like that, with self control, all the little annoyances disappeared! And so I played till the yr 1ers lesson time.

For some reason miss crow wanted me to join in. And so she led us to the small collab room... And it opened it to a lush green forest of massive leaves on stems.

For some reason upon entering this room, I had memories of a rescue mission. I had to rescue someone or something from the end of this forest. I strolled through the forest till I found a small skyscraper made of grey wire. I climbed it and rescued burpy from slugterra from inside a ball shaped capsule inside a gumball machine.

Then bam! I was in my old school playground with the old school kids there, I look around. I had memories of somewhere I had to be. I darted across the playground, getting an odd look from Ethan E. I reached the stairs to the grade 6 classroom, and apple ran up behind me and friend hugged me and led me off somewhere to play.

Then bam again! I'm still in the old school grounds, except out the front of the sport shed, playing with a baby leopard, receiving no odd looks from anyone. I continued to pet and play with it. And in a matter of minutes; it looked to be a late teen. I went to play with apple for a bit, and returned to see it looking at me playfully, and we played for longer.


•on the picture for the story, you'll see an amazingly awesome picture, drawn for me by meemee. I didn't ask or anything, they just drew me fanart, and to me that's AMAZING. Follow them on drawcast, @meemee123sss.


•I cannot reply to comments made, so if you comment ill talk back to you using the wattpad messaging system.

Ok not much to say. Sorry it took so long to upload, I just remembered a lot of dream, so it took longer to type and I'm a lazy ass who dislikes tedious things.

Anyway guys,

Love Enders,
Love video games,
Love the digital realm.

Stay classy~


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