Train station stuff?

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Ok so, I was at the train station w/ dad (ha like I'm telling you what train station I go to omg) and... It was a lot less populated then usual. I just.. Sorta messed around for a bit. Then I dropped my phone onto the tracks. "FUCK" dad gave me that look that said 'you just swore, stop it' lucky mum wasn't there or she would have been off her head about it, dads a pretty chill guy.

Anyway remembering the pledge I made to dumb ways to die, I couldn't go down to retrieve it. Dangit so i:

I can't actually remember what happened but I ended up w/ my phone back and the train was there.

I decided to be a #rebel and sit in some sort of... Boot to the carrage? Idk but it was dark and cramped. I kinda just curled up and say in there.

Then bam, I'm at the station w/ dad again. I get into the carriage like normal this time, but it was so much cleaner, and had no seats. Weird. Anyway there was this old dude in a brown coat that kept starin me down so I stayed away from him.

I got to the end station and for some reason apple was there with me, apparently been there the whole time? Idk the dream world is messed up.

Anyway we got to the end station and it was so close, and was clean and had a blue and white theme. (So tempted to write blue and black there but gotta keep it 100% pure dream material XD)

Yea idk either. But dream please just give me a lucid dream I've been trying for god knows how long I might just use wild please.. Anyway that was preety weird. I don't really know how to describe the end station... It was kinds like they flipped the station round and it was squeaky clean, almost like a palace?

(I couldn't find an appropriate picture for this chapter so have the dress)

Anyway guys,

Love Enders,
Love video games,
Love the digital realm.

Stay classy~


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