From a long time ago

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(AN I just thought I should put this one in here from a while ago)

Well it was me, (my names dragon btw hello) and @AppleTwinkle, (ill call her apple) and an IRL friend cors. I can't remember much of the story, exept we all had demons inside us, exept the GOOD kind.

But in the beginning, apple and cors had one, but I didn't. For some reason I could remember having one when I was little (back when I was a goodie two shoes) and when I moved schools for yrs 5 and 6 it came out, then I became a bad kid, and in the dream I had asked a professional to put that same one back in. He put it in in the form of a drop that he dropped on me, but when it entered my mind viewed it as a drop of black liquid dropping into a fish tank beside my bed, but making the water clearer. It looked like the picture up there, ^ and when I see it it's floating in a black expanse inside of me.

He had a voice like the cat in kiki's delivery service, as in a tiny bit squeaky males voice. He seemed to just give me advice and all that.

Anyway I went to my friends, and we sat in a shady corner of the school playground. Apples demon had altered her appearance in the form of a clean, aqua blue tail with a blue feather at the tip, cors' skin had been turned darker, and he had 2 sets of yellow-green horns. My appearence had been altered with a long, damaged looking black tail with torn, shabby feathers at the end. We were talking together as we always do, then a little kid walked into veiw. (BTW I DESPISE little kids, and try to keep em out of my territory {the place we were sitting}) and I went up to the kid to growl and push him out of the area, where the demon paralysed me, I was stiff, but I felt numb, and I fell onto my side. Apple laughed at me and cors stared at me in shock. The end.

So that is the end of that weird dream, I don't know why I assumed that cute thing was a demon, I just somehow knew.

I researched what it meant to dream if a demon inside of you, and apparently it is the impersonation of something bugging you, or a bad habit.

Anyway guys,

Love Enders,
Love video games,
Love the digital realm.

Stay classy guys~


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