The temple games!

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Ok so I was back at the scene of my grade seven camp, except there was this room sized Aztec-meets-Egyptian style temple. There may be a picture on the top of the layout, depends if I can be bothered.

The temple had levels. It would begin by beating the boss in the temple, and walking into the door at the back and completing the dungeon, then maybe defeating the boss again.

Anyway me and apple walked in and there was this spider boss that we beat, but I nearly died >:0

We proceeded to the door into this underground LOWAS sorta place, those unfamiliar with homestuck would see it as black oil rivers, glowing blue mushrooms and a few yellow-orange fireflies. We completed the dungeon and ended up back in the temple.


Can't remember a thing- oh wait can't remember the dungeon but instead remember this in place of it?

I was on the train with SarBear202 and liv_star1 . We were in the carriage we usually sit in along with at the other end of the carriage the boys playin there magic card game, but we didn't interact with them at all.

I showed liv and sarbear my john cosplay, (which I don't have IRL) and it looked horrible, the shirt wasn't seen very nicely and there were stitches everywhere, but it was *so* comfy!!

We all got out at this weird train station in the middle of nowhere, and apple was here now. I was trying to investigate or something, but I ended up hanging off the edge of the platform as a frepe train was about to whiz by. I pulled myself close to the platform and wished I wouldn't die..



It whizzed past, missing me only just. I would never do that IRL. God damn that was scary.

Anyway we went back to camp.


Me and apple again walked in, this time there was this massive green cell as the boss. It looked slimy and gross. We ran past it.

The level was this giant green slime pool, sort of like cell stage in spore? You were a tiny cell and had to eat other smaller cells, gettin bigger, then you could eat bigger cells, and the process repeated until you were big enough to eat the boss cell.

We finished the level, eating the boss cell.


Can't remember the boss but me and apple found ourselves in this water world, and for some reason in bikinis (。-_-。) (it may be normal for regular girls to wear them, but in my opinion there gross, show way too much skin and I always wear at least a rash shirt and board shorts, please respect my opinion).

Anyway we completed that, and went on our way to maths class, only then did I realise what I was wearing, looked around and got really embarrassed, (it felt like my face was on fire!) and apple lent me her jacket to wear.

Well that was interesting. It had a whole world and everything! Might have to use that idea, or not, I'm too lazy.

I just wanna say if you want to use any of the weird things that happen in this book, in this head, as a story plot or something feel free, no credit needed, you don't even have to tell me. (Seriously if you can pull any decent material out and make it make sense anywhere other than this book- congrats! That's a feat on its own)

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