Friday 16th jan

54 4 1

Ok so. I can't remember most of the story, except we were at a hospital, but it had the layout of a boarding school dorm halls, exept in each room had the exact same layout. A black curtain with nothing behind it, and a black bed. The walls were a dark brown, and the carpet was a blood red. And, me and ocelot, and mom and dad ^w^ (they divorced when I was very young so it was very pleasing to see them together) and, I was there to get some medical thing, but they refused to tell me what was going to happen. I was confident; ain't nothin gonna hurt me! I'm invincible! But when I got there, a nurse,, in a maids outfit, was standing by a black tube, that she expected me to lye in. I peeped in. It was filled with fucking NEEDLES. Nope. Not going in there. The lady had an expressionless face on her the whole time, and began to approach me. Nope. Fuck it. I ran, as fast as I could. I ran and ran, and she just kept chasing me with this large needle at hand. I ran till she cornered me in this room and I hid behind the curtain. She opened it and quickly accelerating, shoved the needle at me. I screamed really really loud, but no one could hear me. Just before the needle touched me, I woke up.

I think I finally had a nightmare. Most people normally get nightmares, but I haven't had one since I was like six. I've gotta say tho it was terrifying. It might have been reflecting the fact that I have been absolutely D R E A D I N G the day that in high school I get a bunch of needles. I'm just gonna. Take a sicky that day, there's no way I'm getting needles.

Anyway guys,

Love Enders,
Love video games,
Love the digital realm.

Stay classy~


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