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Ok I think I'm dreaming about homestuck too much lately, also another fake lucid dream /:0

Ok so like all the trolls were going insane? And dueling,, I can't remember much as i woke up middle of night and we t back 2 sleep,, I think it was karkat vs Terezi, Sollux vs Gamzee, aradia vs,,,, ???? And that's all I can remember exept the fact that they had their symbols imprinted on the very top of their head in their blood colour?

And later aradia told me I was dreaming, so had another fake lucid dream. I looked at my hands and went 'HOLY SHIT IM DREAMMMIIIIINNNGGGGGGG' and jumped and attempted to fly, but fell on my stomach /:(.

I then woke up inside the dream (so I wasn't actually awake, I was still dreaming.) and told ocelott OMFG I HAD A LUCID DREAM WOWOOOOOSNDHDHSJDIJDJHDJJBDONAOJAOUNSOJSUOSND YES YES UES WOOO......

Then woke up at 5.

I went back to sleep and, I dreamt I was kicked out of my school because I wasn't smart enough :"( I had to go to some school I've never seen before with a cool blue uniform.

Now in the dream this had really upset me. I went to the school, but I was really upset. What's the point of this fuckup system if I'm not even getting smart? Anyway it got to lunch time and I was getting bullied because I wasn't smart,,,

And I actually ran away and cried. But I never cry! Ruined my record /:( anyway I went to an irl friends house from the school, and,, her dad hated me now? What the heck? I ran around that house till he kicked me out,, whats wrong with me lately? I retreaded to a swamp to explore.

Then met shreck. Just kidding lol. I had to.

Well what the hell was this dream... I just... What was this?! What does it mean?! Is it a sign?! Whatever...

Are you dreaming?

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