Why was there-

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Ok so like, I was on the right pathway of my old street, about 100m from my house, though no one was in it.

I looked behind me. You always have to check behind your back. At least like, 10 times a minute. Never know who could be trailing you.

I looked behind me, and there was this weird man with a brown coat and a brown bowler hat and brown shaggy hair around 200m away from me. His coat had that anime effect where it flapped in the wind and disintegrated toward the end. He had his hands in his pockets and was slowly approaching me.

So slowly.

I got a bit creeped out and considered going home.

More like knew it. Too creepy. Way too creepy. His small dog was belting up the sidewalk toward me and kept jumping and nibbling my toes and licking me.  It wouldn't go away no matter how much I told it to so I kicked it and ran.

The kick did shit but it was oddly satisfying, kicking it? Idk.

I ran up the street before the dog could get up but my legs kept failing me. They shook and ached and eh.

But I kept going till I got to my neighbours house.





I kept screaming at the door, tears forming.

I cry way too easily in my dreams.

The door opened a little and I went inside.

Well that was weird.

I'm a lazy bum so I don't type things up often (unless I'm bored on the bus/bored) so yea.

The legs failing and creepy men watching me seems to be a recurring theme. I'll have to look it up.


Are you dreaming?

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