Woa what

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Ok so like I was @ school, but it was darker then usual. And basically the sport addicts just picked on me for being a gamer for a while.

Then after class I was walking, trying to find the maths classroom when I finally just gave up. I walked right up to the third floor and observed the school from there. It was different then usual. A GIANT pool, like, half the school big. I talked to myself, 'hey they have made the pool bigger huh. And te school looks so tiny from up here.

Then I notice that I have an iron man suit on? I suddenly had this strong urge to jump in the pool from up here. The school was deserted now, just a few adults that don't work there? Idk.

I walked right down to the floor level and waiting was a massive field of grass. And on it was dad, mum, ocelott and sonny. Mum handed me an Easter egg and I gobbled it down.

I went up and down and up and down the school until dad told me to stop and handed me a jar of Nutella and a knife. He said the knifes name was 'fuck you Kyle' and I was eating Nutella while I went to the stairs again. I kept doing loads of reality checks but none of them worked. A man in pj grey robes said 'hello are you lost?' He was preety nice. I said 'uh no' and ran back 2 mum.

She said we were going to see a movie so we jumped in the car and headed off.

Hey that was a preety cool dream. I think there is more to it then that, but I just can't remember it, I had to type it up straight away because i think ocelott has hidden my pen or something, I can't find it.

Are you dreaming?

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