H o m e s t u c k

30 4 1

Alright this time I was at dads old house, and me and ocelott were designing our trollsona with.... Diamond? I was a blue blood with a Gemini symbol, ocelott was a rust Aquarius (yes she's Aquarius) and diamond had a red... Idk what it's called but it was aradias symbol. Now we fucked around for a bit, played mario kart and had a sandwich.... Now bam! We were now our actual trollsonas! Diamond preety much was aradia, I had vriskas hair and solluxes horns, and ocelott... I can't remember something about nepeta.

We wasted more time. We were meant to go to somewhere I think? We walked to poppies house and wasted more time, and went back to dads when he told us 'QUICK CUZ DIAMOND IS A RED BLOOD SHE HAS ONLY A THIRD OF THE TIME TO GET THERE OF WHAT YOU HAVE!' I remember her sitting, dying in the bathtub, then I decided fuck it she's not dying. She was now good as new, but still couldn't realise I was dreaming >:0 then for some reason Sollux and aradia/karkat couldn't tell were on our our front lawn.
🎶you can't fight the Homestuck, although it's wide outrageous it is so contagious, you camt fight the homestuck, although it's weird and random it's the greatest fandom🎶

And yes, I drew a picture for the chapter.

Are you dreaming?

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