What even-

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Ok so again I was on the train, and it was rainy as fuck. I saw sabear (SssBear202 ) sitting on a white plastic chair outside the store, so I told her to mind my bag while I went inside and bought a hot chocolate.

I went in and there weren't any, so I bought a can of soft drink. She said 'you look like someone who would enjoy a coke, eh?' And handed me a solo (what I asked for) and a coke.

I walked outside to sabear noticing that the train was pulling around the corner and apple (AppleTwinkle ) and livstar (liv_star1 ) were coming around the corner. I ran up to the train which jerked- will I have to tell anyone?

Nope it got back on its track and stopped for us all, and I got in first and set up a seat for the four of us. We all sat down and we eventually all got off- but I got off two stops early with apple.

Now it was a bright sunny day, and apple didn't want to let me come home with her (I didn't have a phone) and she simply walked off saying 'you'll figure something out'.

I started freaking out a little bit, getting intimidated by everyone- especially the burly guy sitting next to me. I got up and switched platforms.

Now it was night time and I saw my good friend that I haven't seen in ages, though I won't say his name.

He offered to let me stay at his until mum could get me, and so I got in with his 2 older sisters in the back.

We drove ages till I-

(Can't remember chunk)

It was night and I was with apple again, and we were doing... Something. I think trying to practice magic or somefin. (Wink wonk)

I was in a light purple, hooded cape cloak thing, and her in her OCs clothes. She said 'now for optimal usage, you have to stand on those 3 invisible boxes- in a stack.'

I was a bit skeptical at first, but aligned the three crates and stood on them. Despite being 1 square metre each, i was only like one foot off the ground.

Apparently this whole process had somefin to do with a drum.

Cody came up and asked what the heck we were doing, and I replied with 'hehe I don't really know myself,'

Apples mom drove me and her to school and we began running round stairs- only to remember 'oh yea we have a school movie on today! We were walking down stairs goin down down down- below ground level into a movie area.

We all sat down, and I positioned myself in front of a table, and watched the movie.

It was kinda like, a music performance, but the female singer had a cerulean Scorpio symbol on her shirt, and all the people around the stage partying had fake horns and cerulean Scorpio symbols on their shirts.

Mows time for my part. In front of me on the table was a stick of like... Raw beef or some shit and a drum symbol sticking out of it. I had a small metal rod and began hitting it at the end of every 4 beats along with the school band.

The symbol was gone, leaving another metal rod sticking out of the meat, and I was hitting it. It made a nice triangle sound.

Well that was preety cool. The cloak thing made me feel like seto sorta- and it was comfy as hell. Like a nice fluffy blanket.

As I was running on the stairs and it was flapping and waving behind me, again felt great.

Anyway thx for reading till here if you did! IMA go to BED again now.

Are you dreaming?

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