Another lucid dream!

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Ok again I cannot remember much of it >:/

But from what I can remember, it was preety..... Hmm.. Idk the word.

I was in bed at dads playing my laptop, when I thought to myself... Hmm I could be dreaming.. Haha wow I probably aren't look around me its dads house.

No wait that's what the dream wants me to think.. I clogged y nose and tried to breath through it and it didn't work.

Ocelott just calls out to me 'your dreAMING YOU FUCKING DUMBASS'

I look around me and check.. IT WORKS! I really am dreaming! I close my laptop and mess around in the room just in case, further confirming the dream. Dad and ocelott come in, start babbling orders, and I'm like 'yoU ALL ARENT REAL' grabbed my forehead and laughed (a lil on the evil side!), manically actually.

Well that was out of charachter. Ok let's be honest it was fun doing that and not looking like a fool. Actually I just posted this and made myself out to be a fool, maybe I shouldn't post my lucid dreams.

Anyway guys,

Are you dreaming?

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