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Lydia was found last night, Scott had taken Eliza home where her parents weren't aware about it. She was going to ask her mother about it but she didn't want to bother her about it, lately her mother wants to close her off from the supernatural since her father and his family are open around it and since the night Peter bit her. So she doesn't ask, and when she does she'll ask her father or her aunts and uncle's, even Hope.

Eliza was in her room talking with Hope on the phone. 

"Sometimes I envy you," Hope said. "Normal life and people not knowing who your dad really is."

"Come on it can't be that bad."

"I'm Hope Mikaelson, daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson who has always been seen as the evil hybrid who's killed people."

Eliza look at her hands. 

"You haven't told Scott and Stiles have you?"

"I have, just haven't gotten them in the same room together."

"Tell me what happened last night?" Hope ask changing the conversation. 

"I don't know, I was walking in the backyard next thing I knew I'm in part of the woods I haven't gone to, see a body that was sliced in half, Scott and Derek hiding from the Argents."

"And you have no memory of walking there?"

"Actually I do remember walking there. I haven't told Scott or Stiles because this isn't the first time it's happened."

"What do you mean?"

Eliza phone beep and saw Stiles's number and photo.

"Stiles is calling. Just please don't tell anyone yet, I'll explain everything when I can."

"Sure. And hey, make sure Lydia and you are okay."

"Of course. Bye Hope."

"Goodnight, Eliza."

Eliza hung up and answered Stiles.

"Hey whats up?"


School the next day, Eliza was walking up to the school, looking at the photos in her camera.

"Eliza." she stop and saw Allison and Lydia.

"Allison. Lydia." she said smiling at them.

"You okay?"

"Fine." Eliza look at Lydia. "How are you?"

"Peachy." Lydia said smiling.



"I should get going, by the way Lydia." the strawberry blonde look at her. "I'm glad you're okay."

Lydia smiled at her as Eliza went inside the school and and headed to photography class. She was walking by students when she felt something different which made her stop and began looking around.

It wasn't a drastic change or anything like she felt the other night with Scott and Derek, but she can feel someone different. Another supernatural. She couldn't pinpoint who.

"Ready for me to outshine you?" Matt said coming in front of her and snapping away from her thoughts..

"Please." Eliza said in a cocky tone slightly glaring at him. "You have good pictures I mean, you have skill but... I'm pretty sure Ms. Gray will chose me, again." Eliza walk around him.

"That's because you're a teacher's pet."

"You're just jealous." Eliza said walking away from him and headed to the class.

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