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Note: Hope you're enjoying the story so far. This is a long one and I've combined two episodes into one chapter. So without further ado enjoy!

{Also I don't own any songs, gifs, and pictures and they all belong to their respective owners.}


"But mom..."

"No but's, we can't letting this continue honey." Jessica told Eliza.

"Fine but... what if Stiles and Scott need me?"

"Sweetheart, I think they can last a day without you."

"It's Stiles and Scott, don't really think they can avoid trouble without me."

"Even with you, you three always end up in trouble."

Eliza sighed and just laid down on the bed as Jessica walk over and sat down looking at her.

"Just let them know you're going to be working at the diner while your father, Dean and I are going to your parent-teacher conference."

"Dad's going?"

"Yes, and your uncle Kol, Freya, and Rebekah are going for Hope. Your father wanted to know more about you, sweetie he came to know you. Their whole family does."

"As much as I love to know then mom, you're forgetting there's people dying here. That and hunters wouldn't they find them suspicious? Try and kill them?"

"I think you should talk to your father about that."

"Does anything scare them?" She ask sitting up.

"They've lived for a thousand years. I don't think hunters would be the least of their worries."

"Hope's working with me?"

"Do you like her?"

"I know I'm some sort of miracle child like her. Grant not a tribrid like her but... at least I'm not alone. She gets it."

"What do you mean?"

"Mom, I'm made up of three different creatures. Why didn't you tell me I was part vampire?"

"I didn't want it to worry you and your father wanted to talk to you about it."


"Thank you." Jessica leaned over and kiss her daughter's head then got up and walk out, giving Elijah a small smile before she left.

Eliza sighed and saw her father leaned against the door way.

"I heard you friend Scott is seeing Argent's daughter."

"You know the Argents?"

Elijah walk over and sat down in front of his daughter as she sat up.

"We've kept our ears out on Hunters, especially family ones. None threatening."

"they don't scare you?"

"They can torture us but they can't kill us, not us Mikaelson's." Elijah said sitting down in front of his daughter. 

"What makes you strong?"

"Family." Elijah said as they both smiled. "Tell me does she know about Scott?"

"No, she doesn't really know about her family I guess but Scott really likes her.  Guess we should've expected it sooner or later our trio grows and all of us will meet someone." Eliza look down at her hands. "It's just... I've known them since third grade, they're the only friends I have and with Scott turning into a werewolf and you coming here... I don't know I guess I didn't want to lose the one thing that grounded me. Well, two things."

The Noble's Unknown Tribrid DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now