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Note: Hello everyone! Long time no read. Anyways I'm sorry for being gone so long. I've been hitting a writers block for this and been dealing with personal stuff. But, I'm back and there will be more chapters coming out soon. That and I have different ideas that I'm excited to write about in this book. 

This chapter is going to be short, so apologies for that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


Issac opened his eyes and was standing on the stairs seeing his father by the door with another man, in uniform handing him a letter. Issac wasn't sure what was happening but then he remember. 

His brother died.

Issac watch reliving the painful moment that changed his entire life. His father was on the edge but wasn't the monster he became until after this moment. He heard footsteps and saw a younger version of himself walking down the steps. 

Issac walk down and was suddenly at school. He was walking to class when a group of boys was pushing Issac against the wall as they ran. This he remembered, everyone picking on him. two girls were walking by laughing at him. 

Issac sat there as the hallways became empty. He place his head down only to look up and he was back in the freezer. His hands were small and he started banging on the door. 

"Dad! Dad! Please let me out!"

He kept screaming and screaming, banging omg the door and even scorching on it until the tip of his fingers began bleeding. Issac stop and place his hands out.

"Well, I guess that makes me lucky because... because I don't have anyone." an echo of his own voice sounded clearly in his head. 

He remembered when he told Scott that. 

What was this?

"You're not alone Issac," Scott voice echoed. "We all got each other's back."

"Hey," Issac blinked and saw him and Jacob packing a car. This was  a memory. "You sure you want to go?"

Issac look behind him then turned back and there in front of him was her. 

"Elizabeth Reynolds. Though, my friends call me, Eliza."


"Yes?" She asked with a smile.


Her face diminish from that playful face to one with worry.

"Issac, are you okay?"

He look at her and his mind glitch like watching something in a game when something else in your memory peaks through.


A distant echo shouted.

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