One Way Ticket Away From Here...

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Part II
Your POV

"So, right now we have the Grammy Award winning, multiplatinum recording artist, Y/N. How are you doing today? You look amazing," the interviewer said excitedly.

"Thank you. You look amazing as well. I'm doing great. Thanks for having me today," I replied moving the loose curls from in front of my face.

"Thank you for being here. Let's get right to it. A year later and we are all still blasting Best Part like it was just released. Tell us how that happened. How did collaborating with H.E.R. happen?"

"I was at the train station waiting to leave the city. I was sing this song that had been stuck in my head. The little boy, Jeremiah, who is always on my story had complimented me on my singing and I talked to him and his mother for a little while. They left and someone behind me goes "He's right. You have a great voice." It was Gabriella, also know as, H.E.R. and we started talking. She asked if I was would sing with her and the rest is history."

"Do you two still talk? You two don't have many pictures with each other on your profiles."

"We talk a lot actually. We talked before I got here. I seen not too long ago. She is one of my only friends. Love her a lot," I replied knowing it had a double meaning to me.

"Your album Where Are We Now is set to come out in a few more days. Are you excited? I know I am," she asked.

"I'm so excited. I'm ready for the fans to hear what I've been working on. They have been bugging the hell out of me," I said laughing.

"Speaking of fans, you have fifteen million followers and the number keeps going up. How does that make you feel?" she asked me.

"I feel weird about it because like a year ago I was a nobody in Compton fighting every damn day. Now fifteen million people know who I am. That's wild."

"Who has been your favorite celebrities to meet so far?"

"I have a few. Beyoncé is number one so far. Normani is a sweetheart. Megan is wild. Love her though. SZA is a beautiful soul. Rihanna is also number one, too," I said and she laughed. The rest of the interview went on and I was ready to go home. My manager kept talking to me and I was completely over it. When I got home, I thanked my driver and went inside with my manager trailing behind me.

"Y/N, are you listening?" she asked.

"No, I'm not listening. You're telling me the same thing from this morning and it's very annoying when you keep repeating it," I told her as I walked up to my room.

"Go home. I'll see you tomorrow," I said as I closed my bedroom door. I took a shower, changed into something more comfortable and got in my bed. I played Super Mario on my Switch when I should've been taking a nap. There was a soft knock on my bedroom door and it slowly opened revealing Gabriella.

"What are you doing over here?" I asked her.

"Wanted to hang out, but it looks like you're about to crash," she said as she kicked off her shoes. She went in the bathroom and came back out in a pair of sweats. When she came out, she ran and jumped in my bed.

"Why?" I asked her and she just giggled getting underneath my covers.

"How was your day?" she asked me. I rested my head back against the pillow and sighed.

"It was okay. Had an interview. Most of the questions were about you like always," I replied.

"Have you talked to your mom recently?" she asked.

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