Hidden Secrets [39]

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The ways to get away

Two weekends running I stayed at dad's, mum was working all weekend, I hadn't had a beating from Will, maybe it was because he was at work for the whole week, as the days went on I began to wonder if he did the same to his own daughter or weather it was just me who he done this to.

One new message from Cameron:

Hey, you okay? Do you want to go to the beach tomorrow, get to spend sometime with each other, catch up a bit.

Your reply:

Hey, yea thanks you? Ermm, yea sure sounds good, will be good to get out of the house for a few hours, :)

I had spoken to soon, I thought as I went crashing up against the wall, making the objects on my shelf fall onto the floor, I watched in pain as the last object fell, landing beside me and smashing into tiny pieces, I let out another scream as his fist drew closer to my jaw line, the pain shooting all the way around my face, I screwed my eyes shut and wished he would just go away and leave me, leave me forever,

"stop, please, just stop." I screamed as the 10th punch came inline with my stomach

"why should I, you were the one who made my daughter want to have sex so you should pay, she is only 14, how could you." He shouted back, his face turning even more red as he shouted each word. I closed by eyes and began to wish, I waited and waited for the next aim to hit me somewhere on my body, but it had stopped, was he waiting for me to open my eyes before he done it all over again, or had he given up on beating me to near death? But I soon found out that it had all stopped when the door slammed shut and heavy footsteps made there way down the stairs. I opened my eyes, and clenched my stomach which had suffered the most.

I peered over to the place where the object had fallen, my vision finally focusing on what it was, the tiny pieces spread across my carpet, the memory off the money box smashed into pieces as well, I sat up against my wall where I had been thrown against and cried, keeping the sobs quiet and the tears flowing, I watched in horror as the door slid open quietly, with no knock, then white socks entering the room, I put my head down resting my forehead on my knees and then my arms over my head, knowing that I would proberly be getting another beating from him, I could feel the presence of the body getting closer to me, the floor boards creaking slightly as they got closer very quickly, then I felt a hand grabbing hold of my arm making me jump and pull away, not looking up to see who the gentle touch was from, I knew I could cancel one person out, as he never touched me this softly, the breath of the man was breathed across my face and their arm rested around me, I still didn't look up, I didn't want to unless he was playing a trick on me, I shoved the hand away, and cried even more.

"Miya, its only me, it's okay, he's not here, I'm here to protect you." His gentle voice, the softness of his arms wrapping round me once again as he knelt down in front of me, another outburst of tears came pouring out making me sob out loud, he hugged me tight but also loose so that he wouldn't hurt my bruises, I looked up, to see his sorrow eyes looking at me with a hint of anger. I looked around the room that filled with light, but in my eyes it was still dark, the tiny pieces of the money box and the memory invaded my head, all I could remember about it was when Jack gave it to me for my 5th birthday, and I have never used, always had it on show.

"save me Dan please, I can't live like this anymore, and its killing me literally, if he beats me any more, I don't know what will happen."

"then Miya you have to go to the police, please, I'm begging you."

"no I can't, I don't want to loose mum."

"and I don't wanna loose you." He replied sharply

"just wait stay with me, then he wont do it again."

"ok I'll stay tonight but I cant stay every night."

"only when mum isn't home please."

"ok, I'll try but please tell me you will tell the police soon."

"okay, I will, but now, I have other things to think about."

"thank you." He whispered as he held me close to his body, and comforted me gently.

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