Hidden Secrets [25]

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Finally, everything was proven

One new message from Dan:

Hey babe, you still up for today? Sams coming down, so maybe you could ask Carly if she fancies coming out, love you xxxxxx

Your reply:

Hey, yes for sure I am, ok I will text her and see I'm sure she'll say yes, but if she does we wont come out until about 1 is that ok? Love you xxxxxx

One new message from Dan:

Ok, yea that's fine, see you later xxxxxx

so that's what I did I got dressed and set up a text message for Carly

New message for Carly:

hey bestfriend, just wondered if you wanted to come over and then we can hang out with Dan later? 'xo

One new message from Carly:

hey besto, yea sounds good, I'll be over in 5 is that ok? 'xo

Your reply:

yes that's fine, I said we'd meet them at 1 leaving us time to catch up and talk ;) 'xo

One new message from Carly:

oh, is that a hint you have something to tell me? 'xo

she new exactly what the reply was going to be so I decided not to text her back and then as I began to walk down stairs there was a knock on the door. As I answered she began a conversation straight away.

"hey, you missy, have some explaining to do." She laughed while kicking her shoes off in the porch. We ran all the way up to my room, passing Maisy who was wearing a new pair of shorts and a checked shirt, she was on the phone to someone laughing. "well, what have you got to tell me."

"I don't know what your going on about." I joked as I sat in my window seat and looked out the window.

"come on Miya, spill." She said sitting next to me and looked out at the empty street."

"me and Dan." I winked

"have you lost your v?"

"no, nearly, but soon."

"Omg how come nearly?"

"the third time and we couldn't find any condoms, but lets just say soon."

"Omg Miya!" she squealed, then a smile spread across her face as she looked out the window, I followed the direction of her eyes, and there stood Sam next to Dan on the green.


"what." She said darting a look at me, in embarrassment

"you like him?"

"kind of."

"Carly Miller, you have a crush on Sam Garcia."

"is that his last name?" she smiled

"stop trying to cover it up, because I know things."

"Miya spill again!" she demanded

"he likes you, and all he keeps doing is asking Dan about you."

"why don't you tell me these things."

"because I didn't know how you would feel, because you had only just broken up with Ben."

"alright I'll let you off with that reason, but one thing never mention his name.  I just want to forget about it all." She said as there was a slight tap on the window with both looked down to see Dan and Sam standing on the path throwing stones at my window.

"we'll be down in a minute." I shouted after opening the window wide

"ok baby." Dan called back up

We both jumped up off the window seat and head for the door and down stairs, we put our shoes on, Carly had her black gladiator shoes and I had my brown ones on opening the door, Dan gave me a hug straight away and then a very welcoming kiss on the lips, which almost made me melt. Carly coughed sarcastically making us pull away from each other, we headed of to the beach and sat down on the sand, about an hour had past and it was twelve o'clock me and Dan headed to the chip van to get some food for the four of us, as we came back to where we were sitting, Carly was lying on the sand with her head resting on Sams lap, he was holding her hand and was making her laugh, I hadn't seen her laugh like that since the incident, he began to roll her top up revealing the scars across her side. His hand slid across them, then pulled away as me and Dan approached them.

It soon came to 5o'clock and we headed home parting at our houses. As Carly hugged me goodbye she whispered "we go out." In a very happy voice then left and went down the path to her house.

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