Chapter 11 - Dad in the hospital

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This chapter is very short.. sorry! (Really I didn't want to make a long chap of something not quite important) 

Soo enjoy pals :)


As soon as I close the door I throw my bag on one of the beds than change into my normal clothes. How much I love the feeling after taking off my heels. I lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, hoping to get a nap.

To much is happening lately but hopefully it will end today. I don't know why I feel sad, like missing Jen.. no no no. Why would I miss him.. this? He's only brought problems to me, nothing more. 

The ringtone of my phone snaps me out of my thoughts and I take my phone from the bag. My mom's name shows on the screen. I really don't feel like picking up and hear what she has to say but it's my mother and I have to.

"Hello mom." I say as I put the phone on my ear and all I hear is sobs and heavy sniffing.

"Your dad Anastasia." She says, sobbing. 

What happened to my dad? Now I feel my chest so tight and I stand up and walk around the room.

"Mom wh.. what's wrong?" Tears form in my eyes immediately. "Mom what happened with dad?" 

"He's in the hospital an.." The line cuts. 

"Mom.. mom."

I try to call her again and again and again but she doesn't reply. Probably her battery is dead. 

My face is burning and hot tears are streaming like a waterfall. I don't even think and I start packing my stuff quickly, just throwing them in the suitcase. I can't even see properly from all the tears and the heavy breathing. I don't know if I packed all my stuff but Sarah is here and she'll get me what I left.


I'm in downtown Tulsa's hospital, our neighbor Georgina told me where my father is. But I still don't know what happened to him. My heart is beating so fast right now, running down the hall to the room 104. 

Mom, I recognize her from her dress and her brown hair. She is sitting her head on her knees covered by her hands. Her hair looks messed up but she's dressed in proper clothes.

"Mom?" I put my hand on her arm and she raises her head. Her face is tomato red, and ruined with all the sobbing.

"Anna!" She stands and wraps me in her arms and I can't help the heavy stream of tears running down my face as she buries her head in my neck, my shirt getting soaked by her own tears.

"Where's dad?" She frees me from her hug and looks at me with googly eyes.

"There." She points at the door of the room next to us.

I take steps closer and hopefully there's a small square glass we can see through it. There he is laying unconscious on the bed, a lot of medical machines surrounding him. I've never seen him like this before and it seriously scares the hell out of me.

"What happened?" I barely say through my shaky breaths. 

I'm not sure if I want to hear the answer, I'm scared it's something dangerous. 

"I.. I'm not really sure. He was okay just like every other day, I guess. Then he was going to grab a glass of water in the kitchen while I was uh.. yea sitting in the room. And all of a sudden I heard glass broken and of course I rushed to find your.. on the ground. I tried to wake him but he he.." She barely could talk then I hug her and try to calm her.


I don't know how much time passed.. minutes.. hours, maybe more. I lost count of it all. There I see the doctor, I guess from his outfit, coming out of my father's room. I stand in his way and stop him from walking.

"How's my father?" My mom stands next to me too.

"Do not worry miss Decker. Your father is stable and okay for now. But unfortunately, he has Tachycardia, a type of arrhythmia. It occurs when the electrical impulses that coordinate heartbeats do not work properly, causing the heart to beat too fast." He replies with an apologetic look.

"How? Why?" I say the first thing that comes to my mouth.

"Smoking, drinking too much alcohol or caffeine usually causes this type of disease."

"John doesn't drink or consume any of this." Mom says.

"Yes we have done some tests on him and he tested negative on all of this.. In his case it is stress or anxiety. Is there anything stressing him lately?" He asks my mom.

She pauses for a good second, thinking or maybe remembering something. Her expressions are telling me that she knows but she doesn't say anything. 

I shake her arm "Mom?" She comes back to the present as realization hits her.

"Nothing that I remember doctor." 

"Just try to reduce his stress and avoid anything that can cause him anxiety. I suggest along with the medicine that he should take to stay physically active and follow a healthy diet. In this age there's a lot of diseases that can threaten his health."

"Thank you doctor." He nods and leaves us.

"Mom anything you wanna tell me?" I wait for her answer.

"No darling. Let's ask your father when he wakes up." 

We went back home after dad got better than before. I asked him, no almost begged him to tell me what's stressing him lately but he refused to say, mom too. 

I'm sure there's something going on, it's just they're bad at hiding it but none of them wants to talk. Mom is impossible to get something out of her so I try less with her than dad, he's more open.

Well there's only short time before I join college which I'm extremely excited. And there's a lot of things I need to prepare before I go. I just hope it's better than the previous days.

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