Chapter 32 - Losing the feeling of feeling

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It's six in the morning. My phone's alarm woke me up. I walk carefully making sure not to step on Sarah. She stayed here last night, sleeping on a mattress on the ground like she used to do all these years. I feel a little tired because we didn't sleep early, we had so much to talk about. And I'm glad she came by, she helped me make some thoughts in my head clear.

Once Jensen comes back, I will talk to him and make things clear once and for all. We can't just keep doing this like some teenagers. Well, he needs to pick a side. And I hope he takes what's between us in a serious way because I do. If he doesn't then I'm not a slut to wreck somebody's home. I'm going to leave his life for good like even leave Dallas if I need to. Hope I don't have to make that decision.

"Sarah. Wake up, I'll leave in thirty." I shake her arm slightly and she turns to face me not even bother to open her eyes.

"Just five more minutes." She whispers and returns to sleep.

I go inside the bathroom. Shower water comes as perfect rain, warm and steady, awakening my skin in all the right ways.

Today I decide to wear a pale grey oversized t-shirt with jeans and some sneakers. I like how this looks normal and most importantly comfortable to me. I know mom will give me a remark but she always does and who cares.

I shake Sarah's arm once again telling her that I'll leave soon and she finally decides to open her eyes. "Morning." I take off the sheets from her or else she'll return to sleep.

"Did you have to leave this early?" Her voice is a little husky from sleeping.

"Mhmm." I take my brush and run it down my hair. I don't want to use heat on it today so I just put it on a ponytail and call it a look.

I hesitate to walk inside the kitchen when I find my mom there cooking something that smells so delicious.

"Morning." she doesn't reply.

"Good morning." Sarah walks in smiling like a little girl and sits next to mom taking all the things she likes and put them on a plate. We consider her a family member since she used to stick around a lot.

"Morning Sarah." Mom replies to her smiling.

"Huh? Am I surprised? Nope." Mom looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" My father asks as he walks behind me giving me a genuine smile.

So she didn't tell him, I sigh. But she can storm up any second, I don't believe her.

"Couldn't you wear girl's clothes maybe?" Oh, there it is. I was kinda shocked she didn't bring it the second I walked in there. She must've not noticed until she saw Sarah wearing a fucking dress. Ugh, Sarah didn't find a day to wear a dress.

"Ugh let the girl wear what she wants." My father shoots her a glare.

"And just so you know I'm trying to wear skirts and dresses. And I already did like three times, I think.. even yesterday." I try to remember more times but I think that's it.

"Really?" She asks looking at me like I'm lying.

"Yeah, the brown skirt and uh.. the camo dress," I assure her.

We walk all together towards the door and I turn to my parents one last hug before I leave.

My mom starts crying but I promise her that I will call more often and come visit as soon as I can and she whispers in my ear for the third time today to get away from Jensen.

"If you continue to see him I will no longer speak to you. Anastasia, I am warning you. If you don't stop seeing him, there will be consequences. I expect a call after you clear your head." She said.

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