chapter 46 - pretended justice

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December 18th, 2019

I miss Jensen. It's been two weeks and I still miss him. Even though his harsh words are still graved in my heart but I can't help this feeling.

Finally, those exams are over. These past two weeks felt like a millennium. And the exams were nothing like I expected them to be. But it's all my fault I didn't study enough. Hopefully, I'm quite a fast learner and I could catch up in a short time.

My grades are not very well but I passed the semester, there's only one module that I got a bad... kind of really bad and now I have to retake the exam today.

Hopefully, I have my best friend to help me. He agreed to come to the university just to help me with a subject that I still don't master like I want to.

I am sitting in a quiet corner in the library waiting for Lucas. He told me he'll be here but he's a little late. I take my phone to text him but I find a sent message from him five minutes ago 'waiting for u in the library :)'

I take a look around the room for the second time in ten minutes. He is not here. Why the hell did he text me that?

Something is off. I take a quick look at my lessons because the exam is starting in 30 minutes. He probably has something important to do that's why he left because this is not something he would do.

I walk down the hall to the exam room and I hear a loud crunching sound coming from the lab.

Before I get inside my phone vibrates and I see Cheryl's name on the screen.

As soon as I hit the green button she starts talking. "Thank god you replied. Do you have an extra calculator by chance?"

"Yea, just one second, I'll check."

She must be lucky because I brought two with me. "Yup, meet me on the second floor of Block C."

"Coming." she hangs up.

The sound comes back again and my curiosity pushes me to open the door.

My mouth gape and my breath gets caught as I stare at three guys punching Lucas in the corner.

His face is literally ruined with blood. And the room is a whole another story. Nothing is sitting in its right place. Chairs and tables are broken. The floor is filled with glass... basically Chaos.

My body doesn't know how to react, it just shuts down for a second. Before I realize that Lucas is being hit.

Oh my god. It's Lucas. Lucas. "Lucaaaas," I scream.

I don't hesitate and throw my stuff on the ground and run to help my friend. I don't have much time to think so I take the beaker and break it on one of the guys' heads.

He turns around slowly and the others too including Lucas. I don't know these guys but I think I've seen them with Dom. Oh, yes they're Dominic's friends.

But what the hell is their business with Lucas?

"Anna, what're you doing here?" Lucas coughs and spits blood.

"You bitch, I will end you." The guy I hit earlier comes towards me and I take steps back but then I stop as a table blocks my way.

I'm scared to hell. He's taller and much bigger than me. I probably look like a bug next to him considering the way he smirks towards me.

My hands are looking for anything, literally anything I can defend myself with and this time it's a bottle filled with some clear liquid and I throw it on his face but he catches it with his hands.

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