Chapter 18 - Not jealous, just don't like that bitch

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My mind couldn't rest from what happened yesterday night. Waking up on the ground, my whole body hurt. Having a panic attack that bad really takes it out of me and I haven't had one that bad in so long. Hopefully I didn't see him even a little piece of me wants him to show up. I need an explanation. 

You're a terrible person, he's married. My subconscious reminds me...

I shouldn't have let things go that way. From this day on, I'll keep my distances with him. I'm in my room, I don't want to get out and there's a lot of people here. Alexandra said they will be doing an ad photoshoot for a perfume or something like that. 

My head hurts so bad. My phone goes off and I take it and see Sarah's name on the screen. After a long thought I decided to bring Jensen on. She tells me everything in her life and I can't hide anything from her. I tell her pretty much all that happened between us except for last night, that's embarrassing. I told her he left just after kissing me.

Well it feels kinda good to tell someone even my head is hurting even more. That's it. I'll go to the kitchen and ask for pills. What are the chances to meet him? He's probably busy, filming or whatever.  

I arrive to the kitchen and there is a girl wearing a short hot pink ruffled puffy dress. Her makeup is so extra and glittery. She's gorgeous and she looks like a model.

"Give me some water" It almost comes as a shout but I don't bother and pour her a glass of water.

As I pour the water a guy comes in "She's not coming... She's sick." He says and breaths heavily. I think he was running.

"The hell? She can't be sick now. No no no no no. Call her now." She yells at him. He takes his phone and dial a number, I guess then wait for the response. 

"She's not replying." He says, panicked.

"You know what? I'm done. She's fired." She yells and takes the glass from my hand and drinks it all at once.

"Your makeup. Your makeup." He tries to stop her and then pass his fingers through his hair. 

"I'm gonna die. There's flies everywhere." She leaves from the balcony of the kitchen to go to the garden.

He takes a seat and puffs in the air aggressively. "Hi" He notices me. 


"Help me please. Help me." He says before I can finish and jumps on me.

"Oh n-" He takes me from my arms and shakes me.

"No. Please just find a solution for the flies. Please please please." 

"Okay okay. I'll take care of this." I jerk myself slowly from him. This guy is literally crazy. And I have no idea how to help him but I'll find a way. 

'Thank you' He mouths me then leaves in silence. I'm thinking of all the ways I know but there's nothing I can do so I take my phone and google it. After a small research, I find the most reasonable way to dismiss flies. It's a little risky but nothing I can't do.

I take a small plate and pour some coffee powder on it then I take a lighter and heat the powder a little. Within seconds a heavy fume comes from it and the smell is so strong, it made cough a couple of times. So the fume that comes from it is supposed to expel flies in an open area. I then take a saucepan from the shelves and put the plate on it so that I don't get burned or anyone else. 

I make my way to the garden and there's a lot of people here and cameras and lights everywhere. I spot that girl standing infront on the pool so I go to her. 

"What the hell?" A girl says then I put it on the ground. Everyone suddenly starts coughing. Oh what is wrong with them? Everyone is overreacting. I know it's a little strong but it seems effective and it's the only easy way.

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