Chapter 36- Don't you dare?

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November 12th, 2019

This spreading purple with yellow blotches around my eye is only the surface wound. The real one is within, that feeling of betrayal, the hatred he feels for me. I did nothing to him to make me suffer this way.

It's been a week since Dom tried to hurt me but my mind couldn't rest at all. I don't remember one night sleeping properly: At first I couldn't sleep, feeling insecure. Then, I couldn't stay awake, tiredness was stronger but I had terrible nightmares, very terrible nightmares. They felt real, his disgusting touch, his breath behind my ear, all the little details I wanted to forget. 

Hopefully Jensen wasn't one who slept early so he kept me company most of the nights with his little cute texts when Cheryl was here and with phone calls when I was alone. I didn't tell him the reason that kept me awake though, or anybody else.

"Did you hear me?" Cheryl says, I zoned out a little back there.

"Uhuh?" I apply the second coat of concealer on the bruises on my face.

"I said you look like a zombie.. that concealer is hiding those bruises which you don't want to tell me the truth about how you got them, but it looks cakey and makes your face look like an old cardboard." I press my lips in a thin line, sighing at her.

"First of all, I told you I fell down from the stairs and that's the truth. And second, come help me then, you're the pro."

"Okay," I turn to the mirror as she puts setting powder on my face and bronzer then blends it well with a brush. She said that it's trendy now to put a lot of blush, so she applies it on my cheekbones and the bridge of my nose- just like those beautiful Korean girls. Then finally I apply my favorite gloss that is clear and gives a natural shine.

I really love the way this looks, it makes me feel beautiful and cute. I even take my phone to snap a picture which I usually never do and I end up with a series of photos with different stupid positions with Cheryl.

"There's a party tonight at.." 

I stop her before she continues. "Oh no, I have decided that no parties.. I told you I didn't like them beside I have classes this afternoon." 

"Oh okay, what are you gonna do then? Don't tell me you're gonna stay here the whole day." I actually thought I would do some shopping.. lingerie shopping, since all of my stuff are old and boring. I want to have at least one sexy set or something close to that for reasons.

"I'm gonna do shopping, need some new clothes and some decorations for my side of the room." 

"I'm coming too, I want some new pieces."

"Ok, cool." I hate doing shopping alone so it's good that she's going to accompany me.

We go to the biggest mall here in town. The moment we step out of the lift, we are greeted by a blast of cool air and the blare of music from a music shop nearby. The ground floor is bright and lively. The layout of the mall is very impressive. It is spacious and well lighted up. We are in the lobby of the huge shopping complex. There are many people enjoying there. And there is shops of everything.

There is a Gucci store. I didn't plan on going inside since I know that there is no way I'm buying any of that stuff but Cheryl is already in and I follow her. 

"You gonna buy anything?" I whisper at her. 

"No, this shit is hella expensive but I like to look at it and see what's new so that I could get the fake version of it outside." She rolls her eyes and takes her phone from her back pocket, recording a boomerang to post it as her Insta story. 

All I Want Is You | Jensen AcklesWhere stories live. Discover now