♡ I'm Cold ♡

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Chrollo holds you close as you take in the information he had just given you.

"W-what are you talking about...

Where's Desdemona...?"

Chrollo stays quiet for a moment before speaking.

"The men saw her wings...

And as a result, solely focused on her."

He holds you tighter.

"I'm sorry Y/N,

I'm sorry I couldn't do anything..."

You're still left in disbelief for a moment before pushing Chrollo away. You glare at him coldly with anger.

"You're lying!"

Chrollo stares at you surprised, but stays quiet.

"You've been lying to me ever since the exam started...


Ever since we met!"

Chrollo furrows his eyebrows.

"Why would I lie to you?" He asks.

"Why wouldn't you?!

I barely know you.

It all makes sense now..."

Your eyes begin to water up from the anger.

"You've been too nice to me ever since we met...

You must want something in exchange isn't that right?!"

"What are you on about, Y/N?" He asks.

You back away a little from him.

"You want the wings too, don't you?!"

A lighting strike is heard, and it illuminates Chrollo's face; revealing an upset expression. He walks towards you and lays his hands on your shoulders, with his face directly in front of yours.

"Are you insinuating that I killed her?"

He asks.

You freeze in fear, it was the first time Chrollo was so coldly direct.


Chrollo snickers.

"You're hurting me a whole lot, Y/N, and you don't know it."

He looks at your eyes which have now overpowered the anger with fear and sighs.

"If you're so sure about my intentions, then why did you kiss me that day."

Your eyes widen.

"I- I didn't kiss you! You kissed me!"

"You kissed back, Y/N."

Chrollo moves his hands from your shoulders up to your cheeks.

"Why did you kiss me back?"

You look away.


Chrollo furrows his eyebrows.

"It was because of Illumi, right?"

You look back at Chrollo in surprise.

"Illumi was treating you badly, I suppose?"

Your eyes swell up with tears once again.

"Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about!" You yell.

Chrollo frowns.

"I see...

♡ Heal Me, Love Me.♡ (Illumi x Reader x Chrollo)Where stories live. Discover now