♡ Hold me Tight ♡

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Illumi and you had been traveling through the woods for hours now, and the sky appeared to be darkening. If you were honest, you were tired, since it had been a while since you flew such a long distance. You were definitely keeping up with Illumi, although barely at this point. You didn't want to feel like a burden to Illumi so you stayed quiet, pushing yourself harder to keep up with this assassin who's stamina didn't seem to decrease.

You kept frantically flapping your wings, focusing more on keeping your wings in movement than focusing on what was in front of you. You hadn't really eaten since morning, and Illumi hadn't stopped to take a break. You were definitely exhausted at this point. You could hardly focus on the path in front of you, and it was even more difficult to see clearly as it was nighttime by then. Illumi though, kept running at an incredible speed, jumping through each tree branch so swiftly as if he'd just left the mansion. It was almost impossible for you to keep up at this point.

Soon, you couldn't focus on the large tree branches in front of you well enough to avoid them, leading you to harshly fly directly into one. This caused you to fall immediately on the floor, leaving you dizzy and confused. Illumi immediately noticed the sound emitted from your fall and stopped running. He quickly turned around and ran towards you.

"Y/N?" He's scared to touch you, worried you might be badly hurt, as you two were traveling high through the tree branches. In his eyes you were a very fragile creature, unlike a Zoldyck, you had clear physical limitations.

It was an awkward position to be in, as you were laying flat on the ground, and Illumi being oblivious to personal space positioned himself on top of you to check up on you. You open your eyes and see Illumi's creepy eyes staring at you up closely.

"Ah!...Illumi." You were startled by his face being so close to yours. You look to the side to avoid eye contact.

"You should have told me you were tired." Illumi scolds. He seems to be upset.

"From now on you have to always tell me how you feel. You can't hide anything from me."

You turn to look back at him, his eyes are piercing through you the moment you turn. You're a bit scared, so you say what he'd expect you to say in an attempt to ease the tension.

"Yes, Illumi. I'll tell you everything from now on, I'm sorry."

It almost seemed like he believed it was your fault that you got hurt, because you hadn't told him you felt tired. In your point of view, it was his fault for not taking breaks. You look at him, clearly upset as well.

"Illumi... Can we take a break...? I'm feeling a little tired."

Illumi sits up, allowing you to sit up as well. As you begin to sit up you notice a slight pain on your back. As you turn around you notice your right wing was injured from the fall. You tried to move it but the sharp pain halted you from continuing. If you could you would have healed yourself, but you were far too exhausted to be able to focus on healing. You thought it'd be best to rest enough so that you'd be able to heal yourself later. You look back at Illumi who was still staring at you.

"Um... Illumi... D-do you think we might be able to sleep for a bit...?" You tried to not be intimidated by him, but something about him always made you stay on edge. Illumi tilts his head to the side.

"Did something happen?"

"I think I got hurt from the fall...but I'll be able to heal myself once I sleep a bit..."

Illumi gets closer to your face. You freeze.

"Where are you hurt?"

"Ah! ...Just one of my wings! I-i'll be fine once I get some sleep!"

♡ Heal Me, Love Me.♡ (Illumi x Reader x Chrollo)Where stories live. Discover now