♡ Welcome to Kukuroo Mountain ♡

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You were awoken by the sensation of something cold on your face. Your eyes slowly peered open, and your gaze was met with that of Illumi's. His hand was resting on your cheek. You felt slightly embarrassed, and looked away. Both of your hands met with the one that was resting on your cheek, and you slowly pushed it away. Illumi wasn't the best at understanding social cues, so he had no knowledge of your shyness. You sit up from the bed, and rub your eyes.

"My parents will be here soon, you have to get ready." 

He motions you to stand up, and so you do. Standing in front of you he looks at your clothing.

"Hm, I think it'd be best for one of the maids to dress you appropriately."  

"Huh?" You look at your attire, it was slightly dirty from the ride you got an hour ago, but it didn't look too bad.

"Do I really look that bad?" You question while looking at your outfit.

"Of course not. You look beautiful." He remarks without hesitating.

You look up at him with embarrassment. Your face was bright red. He looks confused at your expression.

"It would just be better if you had a fresh pair of clothes, once you meet them."

He starts walking around you, trying to get your measurements through sight. You were clearly embarrassed by this. He then stopped behind you and touched your wings, which weren't wrapped or hidden that day, due to Illumi's unexpected visit. You flinched and immediately turned around.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

He looked at you in confusion.

"I'm taking your measurements."

"You're not being polite! Let the maid take the measurements themselves!"

You pouted. Illumi was still confused at your reaction, in his point of view, he was just trying to help. He brought a finger to his chin, looked up, and began to think. After a bit, he slammed his fist into his palm as to show he discovered something.

"That's It! You're shy." He told himself.

You just stared at him in disbelief of his obliviousness to the awkwardness between you two.

"Do not worry." He told you, in attempt to reassure you.

"It wont be beneficial if you are shy during our missions."

You winced at the sudden remark.

'Our missions?!' You thought.

You opened your mouth but before you could ask Illumi what he was on about, there was a knock on the door. Illumi answered.

"Come in."

A woman dressed in a lovely maid outfit made her way in the room. Illumi looked at them coldly and grabbed you by your shoulders as he spoke to the maid.

"This is Y/N, I expect her to be treated with the same respect as a Zoldyck."

The maid bowed.

"It is a pleasure Y/N." she said.

You bowed down as well.

"N-nice to meet you..."

Illumi softly pushed you towards the maid.

"Please give her something nice to wear," he points at your wings,

"and make sure to add the necessary openings in the back for her wings."

The maid nodded, and escorted you outside the room.


You looked around the hallway as the maid walked with you towards the changing room. You were honestly fascinated at the structure and design of the mansion. It looked well refined and elegant. The walking came to a stop as she approached a room. She opened the door and welcomed you in.

"This is it, miss."

You entered, and soon your eyes were filled with amazement. The whole room was filled with various colors from the outfits being displayed on the room.

"This is where the Zoldycks request wardrobes and outfits, to which we do our best to accommodate."

'Whoa...that's amazing..." You thought.

As you kept viewing the enormous room, the maid began to take your measurements and began to sow at an incredible speed. You were caught off guard by how quickly she was sowing. In a matter of minutes it seemed she was done. She displays a lovely green dress which has been decorated minimally with golden buttons. The color combination reminded you of the outfit Illumi was wearing the day you found him, you assumed this green was his favorite color.

"It looks lovely!" You complimented the maid's work.

The maid smiles and begins to dress you. You would have protested against this, but you didn't really know how the buttons on the dress worked, so you let her do her job. Once dressed the maid brought you a pair of green flats to go along with the outfit. She seemed to be done. You smiled.

"Thank you so much, this looks amazing!"

The maid smiles back.

"Master Illumi did the color choosing and planning before your visit, all I've done was follow his orders."

She escorts you out of the room.

"Master Illumi must be eager to see how wonderful you look!"

The maid spoke as she took you back to Illumi's room. She knocked on Illumi's door. After letting you two in, the maid bowed. 

"Master Illumi, your request has been complete."

He looks at you and nods, to let the maid know she was allowed to leave. She closes the door behind her as she left.

You stood there, not knowing what to say as all Illumi did was stare at how beautifully the outfit came together when you wore it. You blushed.

"Um...Thank you for choosing these colors, they look very pretty."

He looked at you in the eyes and nodded.

"My parents will be here shortly. Lets head over to the waiting room." 

He began to walk, expecting you to follow behind him. The walk was silent, this was something you were already accustomed to as you were slowly understanding that this man was one of few words. As you arrived, he sat down on an elegant looking sofa, and instructed you to sit next to him. You complied and sat next to him. It didn't seem to bother him one bit that the whole room was silent, so that brought you a bit of ease, since you didn't want to or know how to strike up small talk with this assassin.

Thus, you two sat in silence, and although this would've bothered you before, you felt calm and comforted within this silence. You remembered the bloodlust that was oozing from him the day you found him in the woods, and compared it to the calming aura he seemed to be exuding as he sat next to you. He seemed to be comfortable sitting next to you, and that only helped you feel safe yourself. That small hint of gentleness within him left you curious and it perhaps sparked a small hint of infatuation for him, well at least for the soft side he rarely displayed.

In reality, Illumi would have never shown this softness to anyone else. He had to maintain a cold and tough exterior to show his family he was strong and determined. He softened around you due to the fact that you've seen him at his most vulnerable. He was grateful for your kindness, despite not feeling worthy of it.

Who was he to be worthy of kindness?

Him inviting you to his house and adorning you with his gift was his way of repaying you for your kindness. And although he had a twisted vision of love, he tried to be kind towards you. He wanted you to feel the same way he felt about you.

He wanted you to love him.

♡ Heal Me, Love Me.♡ (Illumi x Reader x Chrollo)Where stories live. Discover now