♡ Defend Yourself ♡

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A few days had passed ever since Chrollo reappeared in your life, disguised as a client. It struck you as extremely odd that he pretended to not know you, but despite this you were relieved. You wouldn't have known what to do if Chrollo acted like he usually did around you. All you could hope for was for the mission to be completed as soon as possible.

Illumi and you were outside having a small picnic date near the mansion's garden. As an apology for the mistreatment of your garden, Illumi instructed the butlers to plant various flowers and crops of your choosing and to your liking in the family's garden. To demonstrate your appreciation for his actions, you made sure to spend plenty of time near the garden. Illumi sat facing away from you as you braided his hair and decorated it with flowers from the garden.


There!" You voice excitedly as you place the last flower on his hair.

"You look very cute, Illumi!" You compliment.

He turns around to look at you with what you'd call puppy eyes.

"Thank you." He expresses monotonously.

Your eyes twinkle, it made you happy being able to read Illumi through his eyes, despite the lack of emotion in his body language and voice.

You smile and pick up a strawberry from the picnic basket to munch on.

Illumi turns his body to fully face you.


You look at Illumi.


"Stand up." He tells you.

"Huh?" You stare at him.

Illumi stands up.

"Stand up, Y/N."

You finish your strawberry and stand up.

"What are you on about, Illumi?"

"Hit me."

You stare at Illumi confused.



Pretend I'm about to hurt you."

You furrow your eyebrows. "What?"

"I want you to show me how you'll defend yourself."


You straighten your posture awkwardly and bring your fists up to your chest. Your defense position is wonky and unstable. You stare at Illumi and try to hit him on the chest. Your swing is slow and Illumi's able to block it with a single hand before reaching him.

He shakes his head.

"You can be slow, but if you don't fix your posture, everything else will be useless."

He lets go of your fist and walks behind you. He crouches enough to reach your height and holds your arms.

"Eh? Illumi- ?" You turn your head to the side.

"Focus." He says coldly causing you to turn back and look forward.

His face is resting on your shoulder as he guides your arms in a defensive position.

"Your fists don't go up to your chest,"

He holds your hands and brings them up to your face.

"They always go here."

He looks down, and separates your legs by placing his leg between them. You get goosebumps.

"Uh, I-Illumi...?"

"Focus." He rewords harshly.

You tense up from his tone.


He backs away and walks in front of you to face you. He holds your fists.

"Here's a demonstration on where to attack."

He guides your fist up to his face.

"You always strike for the eyes and nose."

He lowers your fist slightly to be under his nose.

"You can kill someone by placing enough pressure on their nose. It may push the broken bone upwards towards their brain."

He brings back your fists to the initial pose.

"If you're fighting with a male, you attack the groin. Anything to keep you from getting hurt."

You gulp and nod.

Illumi steps away from you.

"Now hit me."

You follow the instructions Illumi had taught you. You take note of his height and impulse yourself enough with your wings to land a clean blow on his face. It seemed clean in your point of view, but Illumi probably didn't block it on purpose. You land on your feet and wait for Illumi's response.

He stares at you.

"That was good.

Using your wings will benefit you in these situations."

You nod.


Illumi gets closer to you and places his hands on your cheeks.

"Y/N, I want you to be careful."

You stare back at Illumi's eyes.


"I don't trust Chrollo.

But I can't decline him as a client. My family is interested in his whereabouts and information he might have on one of my siblings."

"Your sibling?"

"My younger brother, Killua, left our home, and we've been trying to find him...

Chrollo might be able to help our family find him."

Illumi's eyes seemed to be filled with what seemed like distant mourning and a glimpse of regret. You understood the mourning as you had to be separated from your family as well, due to the exploitation of your clan. That was the only part that made sense to you, whilst the part of Illumi that seemed regretful confused you. What was he regretting? Either way, you disliked seeing him drowning in sorrow, so you tried your best to uplift his mood.

"Illumi, I'll do my best to complete the exam.
And if I'm able to, I'll try to gather information on your brother."

Illumi's eyes widen. He then presses his forehead on yours.

"You're too kind Y/N."

You smile and hold Illumi's face.

"I'm sure your brother will reunite with you all soon."

Illumi pulls his face away from yours. He stares at your optimistic smile for a moment and immediately wraps his arms around you, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Y/N, promise me to stay alert at all times."

"I-i promise!"

His embrace gets tighter and you're completely covered by his body almost like a cocoon. Illumi wished he could just keep you like that forever; his arms tightly around your body. Keeping you safe and sound near him.

"I don't know what I'll do if you get hurt, so please promise to return." Illumi spoke.

His sudden worry made you weary of the dangers of the hunter exam. It frightened you a whole lot, but you had promised Illumi that you'd return. You felt determined to complete the exam, because once it was over, you could return to his embrace once again.

"I promise to come back."

Illumi releases his grip from you and pulls himself away.

"For now, we need to continue practicing." He mentions.

You nod and smile.

"Yes, thank you Illumi."

♡ Heal Me, Love Me.♡ (Illumi x Reader x Chrollo)Where stories live. Discover now