♡ Desdemona ♡

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Through the gate, the applicants were met with a tropical environment, it felt extremely humid and hot. Chrollo, Desdemona and you stood by the crowd awaiting for the next phase of the exam to begin. Beans stands in the middle of the crowd to make an announcement. 

"Very well applicants,

we will be taking a short break while our next examiner arrives!" He spoke.

"Feel free to wander around,

but make sure to return to this spot in thirty minutes."

After hearing this a couple of examiners began wandering around the environment, while some stood behind to rest.

"Thirty minutes?

That's a lot of time." Desdemona said surprised.

"We should rest in the meantime." Chrollo mentioned afterwards.

Desdemona nods. "Sounds good to me, but first!" 

She then turns to you.

"I need to go...


Chrollo sat on the ground already making himself comfortable.

"Then go." He voiced.

Desdemona shakes her head quickly.

"I don't wanna go alone!"

Chrollo rolls his eyes.

"Just go, and hurry up."

She turns to you. "Y/N, can you come with me?

I'm scared I'll come across a weird pervert..."


Oh... I guess that's true..."

"You ought to be careful Y/N,

we know nothing about this woman." Chrollo warns you while looking away.

"No! I promise, 

I just need to pee!

I'll make it quick!" She exclaimed.


I'll be careful." You say.

"Don't die." Chrollo mentions attempting to appear nonchalant with his arms crossed.

Desdemona and you begin to separate from the group, and soon reach an area isolated enough for privacy. You point towards some bushes.

"There, go quickly,

or else Chrollo might get mad." You say.

Desdemona looks at the bushes then back at you. She walks towards you and looks around to make sure no one was around.

"Y/N..." She whispers.

"What?" You feel a bit tense from her strange behavior.

Desdemona out of nowhere wraps her arms around you tenderly. You jump at the sudden embrace.

"Oh! I'm so glad I found you here Y/N!"


What are you saying?"

Desdemona releases you from the embrace and composes herself.

"Y/N, you're not alone here!" She whispers excitedly.

"What are you talking about?" You ask confused and a bit scared.

Desdemona who at the time was wearing a small cloak covering her torso removes it slowly.

♡ Heal Me, Love Me.♡ (Illumi x Reader x Chrollo)Where stories live. Discover now