♡ The Hunter Exam ♡

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You had just departed with Chrollo towards this year's official hunter exam. Feeling a bit uneasy, the only thing that was keeping you optimistic was the thought of returning to Illumi's arms. Although your relationship with Illumi had begun in the most unconventional form imaginable, you both somehow through the circumstances met each other. It felt like a curse to you at first: having to be so close to a murderer, a murderer who's hostile upbringing had damaged his way of understanding love. His broken perception of love had caused you to feel a distaste for him and everything his family stood for. Slowly though, because of his dependency on you, he had sworn to change, to understand you, and to be kind. Every second he'd spend with you, he began to regain the humanity that his upbringing had stripped away from him in the past; he was learning how to love properly. And with each second he opened up to you, the more you became fond of him. You both still had a long way to go when it came to understanding one another, but this only made you eager to return as soon as possible, because then you'd both be able to continue building up from where you two had left off.

After an hour or so of walking and taking public transport, Chrollo and you had arrived at a city. It was rather busy, but you kept your eyes on Chrollo to avoid getting lost, like last time in Yorknew. Once getting through the busy streets, you both stop before an alleyway. Chrollo turns to you.

"It's in there." He says.

You gulp. Despite it being daytime, the alleyway seemed to reflect almost no light. It was strangely quiet as well, regardless of the busyness that surrounded it from the city.

"A-are you sure?" You ask meekly.

"I'm certain.

I did my research thoroughly."

Chrollo hadn't outwardly done anything to make you think he had ill intentions in the past. He'd been kind, and understanding, despite being all too touchy at times. He seemed like a good person in your eyes. Regardless, Illumi seemed to blatantly express his worry of Chrollo accompanying you. As you knew by now, Illumi was a very logical man, meaning that his worries could be justified. Illumi seemed to have known Chrollo for much longer than you have, so the best you could do in the moment was to trust Illumi before Chrollo.

"Okay...but you lead the way." You answer.

"Alright." Chrollo says as he faintly smiles.

Chrollo walks into the alleyway and you follow behind cautiously. As you follow behind him, you reach for the calling device Illumi had given you before, keeping your finger on Illumi's speed dial. The alleyway grows darker and darker as you continue stepping forward. Soon Chrollo's silhouette is barely visible in front of you. You panic for a moment and extend your hand forward to locate where Chrollo. Unfortunately, you didn't feel Chrollo in front of you anymore. You bring your hands close to you in fists of anxiety. You look back to the beginning of the alleyway where it was brighter. You decide it's best to turn back than to keep venturing deep in the mysterious alleyway. You turn around and begin walking towards the opposite end of the alleyway. While walking you feel a sudden and tight grip on your wrist. Your eyes widen and your fight or flight instincts get triggered. Fighting Chrollo wasn't an option. You quickly expand your wings and impulse yourself upwards with as much strength as possible. As Illumi had said: your wings were your strongest physical feature. Your sudden flight seemed to have caught Chrollo off guard since his grip loosened and you managed to fly towards the roof of one of the buildings next to the alleyway. You land in a crouching position, and look downwards towards the dark alleyway. There you see Chrollo looking upwards. He looks confused.

"Y/N, is something wrong?" He yells upwards with his hands curling around his mouth to amplify the sound.

You keep staring a bit uneasy.

♡ Heal Me, Love Me.♡ (Illumi x Reader x Chrollo)Where stories live. Discover now