♡ Forgive Me Mother ♡

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Illumi had returned home. His mission although difficult was a success. He was paid a hefty price to hunt down and kill a large group of underground bandits. It seemed impossible, but Illumi miscalculated his opponent's strength, which caused him to nearly die. He felt ashamed of the fact that he was going to die with an unfinished mission, such a misfortune would tarnish the Zoldyck name forever.

Illumi was always aware of his duty as a Zoldyck. Assassinate and honor the Zoldyck name. Out of all the Zoldyck children, he made sure to go above and beyond. As he was the eldest child, he had to become the perfect Zoldyck child; he was a role model.

In his younger years before Silva and Kikyo broke him, Illumi was a different person. He was a normal child filled with emotions and curiosity. As a child, Illumi assassinated to please his parents, he wanted none other than their approval, but eventually the spark within him vanished, and he began to kill due to the fact that it was expected of him. After that, that was the only motive for his existence: to kill for the Zoldycks. He had nothing else to live for, and would so easily give up his life, if it were for the Zoldyck family.

But perhaps, burrowed deep within him, he looked for something else to live for. He had a deep greedy desire within him, that he had cultivated for so many years, ever since he was a child. A desire that he had suppressed for so long, that it almost managed to disappear, if it hadn't been for you. You so effortlessly destroyed the wall he so desperately built throughout his lifetime in a matter of seconds. This greedy desire had awoken within him again.

He desired love.


"Illumi what took you so long?!"

Kikyo was screaming anxiously. She kept fidgeting with her dress.

" You said you were to come back in less than a week!!! Your whole schedule is now ruined!!! All the job opportunities your father worked so hard to accommodate for you have been wasted!!!"

Illumi stood there, taking in all of Kikyo's anger and frustration.

"Well?! What were you doing that made you waste your time?!!"

Illumi felt a hint of shame and regret, but he knew better than to lie to his own mother.

"I underestimated my target, and I wasn't able to finish the target as diligently as I thought I would."

Kikyo grimaced at Illumi.

"And what else?! You're hiding something!!!"

Illumi maintained eye contact. He spoke without concern.

"I nearly died. I apologize, mother."

Kikyo's eyes began to water, but Illumi knew it only came from the fact that he was at the brink of tarnishing the Zoldyck's legacy. She glared at Illumi and forced a harsh slap to Illumi's face. Illumi took it in.

"You greedy child!!! I don't want you to mention this to any of your siblings!!! This is the last time something like this ever happens, do you understand?!"

Illumi nods. Kikyo looks down and begins bitting her thumb fingernail anxiously.

"What's your father going to say about this?!"

Illumi maintains a stern, yet submissive look in his eyes.


Kikyo turns in frustration.

"What is it?!!"

"I've found someone who's ability can be of use to the Zoldycks."

Kikyo's anger begins to simmer down and curiosity arises.

"Who? What ability are you exactly talking about?"

Illumi continues,

"They happened to come across me, while I was in need of aid. They possess healing abilities that are beyond any healing nen I've seen before. It may be genetic."

Kikyo's brows relax, she's clearly interested.

"Healing abilities? What kind?"

"Their ability sealed my most fatal wounds in a matter of minutes. The complete healing took a few hours, but I deduct that with a bit of training their ability will only improve."

Kikyo seemed pleased, and eager to know more.

"They might be a helpful tool to bring on dangerous missions."

Kikyo claps.

"Yes! This will certainly enlighten your father! Oh~ I'm so eager to tell him!"

She turns.

"Illumi make sure to keep an eye on that human, until I tell your father about them."

She dashes off, eagerly.

Illumi begins to walk towards the Zoldyck's personal library. He looks through the alphabetized books and stops at one.

'This might be it.'

The book's title: An introspect on all that is winged.

The book seemed to contain an archive of an adventurous hunter's experiences with winged creatures and beings, so neatly placed in alphabetical order.

Illumi kept flipping through the pages vigilantly, until he paused at one.

"The Laerehte Clan."

He reads out loud, while analyzing the image given by the book, of a few humans with dove-like wings.

'This is it. The Laerehte Clan.'

The book informed Illumi on most that was to know about your ability, and your physical appearance. At the end of the archive of the Laerehte Clan, the author wrote:

"Hunting Prices:
The Laerehte Clan, do not specialize in any form of combat most of the time, as they prefer to live quiet and peaceful lives, only focusing on their healing abilities. Even so, this clan manages to hide thoroughly within the smallest of creeks in our world, and therefore is an expensive catch once hunted.

Pair of wings:

Young = 10,000 Jenny

Adult = 100,000 Jenny

Healing service:

Young = 1,000,000 Jenny

Adult = 100,000,000 Jenny"

Illumi blinks, and closes the book. He was upset at the fact that your people were being hunted and exploited for their abilities, which wasn't too much of a difference as to what he just prior to reading the book, mentioned to his mother.

But he would never hurt you, he thought. Of course not! After all you went through to care for him, in his perspective, it's was only natural for him to repay you.

He closes the book and stands up. He walks towards his room, and begins to settle himself down on his bed. He was eager for the next days to come, because soon, you'd be among the Zoldycks as an ally.

In his mind he didn't think of it as cruel labor, oh no, of course not. It was in charity for your good behavior, that he swore he was going to protect you from now on,


until death do you two apart.

♡ Heal Me, Love Me.♡ (Illumi x Reader x Chrollo)Where stories live. Discover now