♡ Yorknew City ♡

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[  TW// The following chapter contains themes of: Harassment, Manipulation & Mind Control. Please stay safe.  ]

Illumi and you had been sleeping for a few hours, and soon enough light was beginning to seep through the hole you were both sleeping in. You open your eyes to see you both in each other's arms. You jump back away from Illumi, only to remember what happened the night before. Illumi's eyes immediately shot open the moment you shifted abruptly.

"Good morning, Y/N." He said without a change in emotion.

You smile shyly, still embarrassed about the night before.

"G-good morning, Illumi..."

Illumi stands up.

"We should go get some breakfast." He mentions.

You were extremely hungry.

"Yes! That sounds like a good idea!"

"But first." Illumi points at your wings.

"Oh! Right! I feel better now! Thank you for letting me rest Illumi!"

You began activating your nen ability. Illumi stared in curiosity. On your fingertips a soft light began to emerge. You place your palms on your right wing and slowly begin to heal yourself. Soon, you felt better, as it wasn't a heavy injury. You stretch your wings for a check. They've been healed completely.

"Let's continue!" You said with a smile.

Illumi climbs out of the hole with you following behind him. He looks forward for a moment.

"We're near. It'll take us a few more hours to reach Yorknew City, we'll eat something there."

You nod, and you two continue traveling through the woods.


After a few hours of traveling, Illumi and you arrive at Yorknew City. The place is packed with people. You look around in wonder, it's been a long time since you've been around such a large group of people. Illumi keeps walking forward expecting you to follow behind, but you find yourself lagging as you keep getting distracted by the vast amount of stores and people around. You stop for a moment to look at at a merchant's display of various knick knacks, it's filled with small porcelain figurines, they seem to be handmade. You pick up a lamb porcelain figure and admire the cuteness of the design. You turn around to show Illumi, but before you knew it, he was gone. You couldn't see him nearby, just the swarm of people crowding the streets. You place down the porcelain lamb and begin to walk through the crowd. It was packed, and you couldn't see anything. You began to fret, looking in all directions hoping to find a glimpse of Illumi. You began to run around in circles, attempting to find your way through the city, but the more you ran, the more lost you felt. You don't know what to do, and you're sure Illumi was going to be upset by your carelessness. You imagined Illumi's face of disapproval and anger; it made you recoil in fear. It almost felt hopeless to find Illumi, let alone be freed from the crowd of people, until you felt a sudden grasp and pull on your arm.

'Illumi!' You thought. 'He found me!'

You quickly turn towards the direction you felt the grasp from and run towards Illumi to hug him. It seemed that it became a habit of you to hug Illumi when you were feeling afraid or anxious.

"Illumi! I'm sorry I got distracted, I promise it won't happen again!"

Your eyes are clenched, as you didn't want to see Illumi's face, since you knew he'd be clearly upset. Then you hear a chuckle. You open your eyes, and look up, only to see that the person who had grabbed you wasn't Illumi at all. You see a tall man with red hair and what seemed like face paint staring right down at you with a cocky look. You gasp and remove your arms immediately. You attempt to back away, but it seems futile as the crowd around you was still rampant. You're scared and don't know what to do. 

♡ Heal Me, Love Me.♡ (Illumi x Reader x Chrollo)Where stories live. Discover now