♡ The Breeze ♡

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Silva stands looking at the sky with his cellphone pressed to his ear, whilst his other hand rests on his hip. "Yes,
Please send the airship right away."
He hangs up.
"The airship will be here in a couple of hours, and we'll get transported to Kukuroo Mountain shortly...
You're coming along, Y/N?" Silva asks.
"Where else can I go?" You voice sarcastically.
Silva gives you a entertained look, as if your misfortune was something he found amusing. "I guess you're right." He responds.

"Approximately, how long until the airship arrives?" You ask out loud.
Silva looks at the clock on his cellphone. "Around 4 to 5 hours, more or less."
You nod. "If I may, I want to look around my village for a last moment...
After all this is the last time I'll be here."
"What for?" Illumi asks.
"Sentimental purposes." You respond.
'If you even know what that means' You thought to yourself. He in fact did not, but allowed you to look around nonetheless.
"I don't see the harm in it.
Please return to this spot before the 4 hour mark.
If not I'll come look for you." Illumi instructs.
You nod in understanding.

You stray away from the small group and make your way through the village. The piles of bodies made you feel overwhelmed for a moment. You wished you could offer a proper burial to each individual that had to suffer their unfortunate fate, but you could only do so much with 4 hours.
You walk around and decide to offer a proper burial to those closest to you, your family.
You make your way to your old house. Looking through the furniture made you want to remember all the memories you've created there... and yet there was nothing you could remember. It aches your heart to realize that you could no longer remember the past, and that you could no longer create new fond memories to remember of the old you.

'I'm sure, I used to be happy living in here...'
You make your way through the silent corridors and into your parent's room. You stand solemnly as if you were mourning for a moment. You almost feel grateful that Illumi had the decency and respect to kill your parents in their sleep. They looked peaceful. You sigh and attempt to lift up your mother first. Dead weight. This made you realize how weak you were.

'This is physical weakness, only.' You tell yourself. Physical weakness was the only weakness you told yourself you'd have to accommodate to for now. You struggled while getting her limp body out of bed. The struggle itself made you get frustrated at what so little you could do.

'If I can't even do this, what makes me think I can put Illumi in his place.' Then you thought about Illumi— how strong he was compared to you. How this assassin in nature was created after years of neglect and abuse, in order to create the perfect weapon. You could not compare yourself to his strength. Then you wondered what had defeated Illumi in the beginning, that day you found him as limp as your mother's body on that day at the forest. You've realized that there are greater things to fear in the world. Things that could kill a professional assassin like Illumi in mere seconds.
You struggle, but manage to drag the body all the way to the front yard of your house. You were left out of breath, and were soaked in sweat. You sit on the floor for a moment to catch your breath. After a few minutes, you begin digging on the floor with your bare hands. It felt like you'd been digging for an hour or more. You were feeling exhausted, and felt as if even the wish to give your parents the proper burial was unattainable with your capabilities. You could easily ask Illumi and Silva, and they'd quickly bury the whole village properly, but doing so would be incredibly disrespectful to them and you.
You look up at the sky. The burn from the sun rays made your eyes tear up. You cover your face and coddle yourself in a ball, while weeping. Even too weak, to bury those you care for the most.
"Y/N..." a voice called from near you.
Had the 4 hours already passed? And you had wasted all this time sobbing, instead of doing something for your kind. You look up, but the image was still blurry from all the tears that had swollen up in your eyes. A tall figure stood before you. Illumi was perhaps back to pick you up. You clench your eyes to release the tears, and get a clearer picture.

"Chrollo...?" You look down after acknowledging him. "What are you still doing here?" You ask.
Chrollo stays silent, and kneels down. He begins to dig at the floor where you had previously begun digging.
You look at him, not knowing how to feel.
"I will help you." He says while continuing. His digging seemed faster and more efficient than yours. Soon a pit deep enough for her body was ready and he placed her accordingly.
"Let's get your father as well." He voices.
You stay quiet. Receiving help from Chrollo was the least you wanted right now, but it was probably better than asking for the murderer of your people himself for aid. You nod.
"Actually, you can stay here. You look tired."
Before you could say anything Chrollo made his way in your house and walked out with your father's body on his back. He places him down and begins digging. While he created your father's grave, you began putting soil into your mother's grave to seal it. Soon enough both bodies were buried, and at peace.

You sit in silence next to Chrollo. Then you finally utter a word.
"I thought you weren't gonna see me again."
Chrollo frowns. "Yes, that was the plan originally." He looks down.
"I wanted you to live a normal life again, Y/N...
But I'm not so sure if that's possible anymore."
You stay quiet.
Chrollo places down his palm on top of yours which was resting besides you.
"Regardless what your plan is now, I'll make sure to stay behind and offer the proper burial to every last one of your people in here." He says.
"Can I even trust you?" You blurt out.
Chrollo looks at your fatigued face with pity.
"Trust me or not, I'll still do it...
I'll never be able to mend for my past intentions...
But this is the least I can do for you."
You look away. It didn't matter anymore if Chrollo was telling the truth or not. Not to you at least.
"I'll be leaving with Illumi soon." You say.
Chrollo listens closely.
"But I swear I will never be his puppet... not anymore."
"Y/N... you remember when I told you we were from different worlds? One of which I couldn't dare taint with my touch?"
You don't understand but continue listening.
"I decided to leave you alone, to not taint your future. For you to live a normal serene life...
But if that can't be the case for you anymore.
Just know that I will always be here, if you need anything or... anyone to confide in."
"Your words are kind, Chrollo...
But I'm not sure I'll be able to confide in you anytime soon.
I appreciate the gesture though."
Chrollo nods and understands.
"I promise to do what I can to gain your trust again...
Y/N, your trust means a lot to me."

The wind breeze blows through both of you. Chrollo's tender words echo through your mind. Despite not being able to trust his words fully, the gesture itself made you feel at ease for a moment. You rest your tired head on his shoulder for a moment. He reciprocates by resting his head on top of yours. Sharing this quiet moment with a stranger was odd, but it gave you a small amount of comfort. You rest your eyes for a moment and enjoy the weather breeze of your hometown for the last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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