♡ Be Patient ♡

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Morning had come. Illumi and you were still sleeping close to one another. Sunlight soon peered through the windows, making you wake up. Your eyes open slowly and you see Illumi had already woken up. His eyes were wide and eerie as always. It seemed he was watching you sleep. Normally this would've been rather romantic, of course if your partner was someone else. You wince at his cold stare.

"Ah...! G-good morning Illumi..."

"Good morning." He replies robotically.

"For how long have you been awake?" You ask.

"Three hours."

Your eyes widen.

'God, I forgot how weird he was.'

You untangle yourself from his arms and crawl out of the bed. You look for your clothes and begin getting dressed. Illumi stares at you.

"Are you ready to leave, Y/N?" He asks politely.

You nod and smile.

"Yeah, just let me finish getting ready."

You walk towards your dressing table and go through the drawers to find a hairbrush. Once found, you begin brushing and tidying up your hair. You look at Illumi through the mirror from the dressing table as he begins to get dressed. As he slides his shirt in his hair gets slightly tangled and frizzy from the friction. You giggle, and he stares at you confused. You walk towards Illumi whilst smiling.

"Let me brush your hair." You say.

Illumi's eyes peer through the mess of hair falling on his face.

"My hair?" He asks.

"Mhmm!" You nod and reach for his hands and pull Illumi towards the bed making him sit. Illumi sits at the edge of the bed waiting for you. You walk towards the dressing table and pick up the hair brush. You turn excitedly and walk towards the bed. You crawl on the bed and sit behind Illumi. You begin by softly bringing his hair away from his face with your hands. Whilst humming softly, you brush lightly through his hair. Illumi relaxes. He hadn't had anyone brush his hair like that ever since he was a child, back when his mother used to. While you brush, Illumi speaks randomly,

"I am enjoying this activity."

You smile at his robotic mannerisms.

"You are? I'm glad." You hum.

Illumi closes his eyes and drifts away into a gentle state of bliss from your care. He had never realized he was touch starved before, as each time you softly touched him, he melted in an indescribable feeling of desire and need for more. It seemed he enjoyed being taken care of, as perhaps it had to do with the lack of care his family had for him during his upbringing as the perfect assassin. Never once was he held lovingly, and yet, he felt almost too lucky to have been found by you; you who had been filling this void within him by gifting him with touch. He knew he didn't deserve any of this, and even so he had decided to be selfish. He didn't care about not deserving your touch, your attention, and your everything, because you were already his. But as he believed you as being his, he was worried that you hadn't felt the same way about him. He wanted to be yours as well, which is why he had been attempting to understand you and return the same amount of gentleness you have in the past. He was still confused on how emotions worked, but despite this tried to understand yours. It was the least he could do.

You shift and walk away from the bed. Illumi turns to look at you and stands up as well.

"Wait! I'm not done yet!" You tell him. "Sit back down!"

Illumi sits down immediately and holds a piece of his hair.

"It's neatly brushed, are you sure?" He asked.

♡ Heal Me, Love Me.♡ (Illumi x Reader x Chrollo)Where stories live. Discover now