Dear Diary

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Dear Diary, (Day 1 of Summer Break)

Today is the first day of summer vacation! Finally, the school year is over! We finally made it through!

It's still so surreal. Yesterday, at the last day of school "party" our school has for us every year (why they don't just let us go home and start summer early is beyond me, but whatever) some of my friends had this great idea for a vacation to start off summer break. Where are we going? Oh, you'll just have to wait and find out!



Dear Diary, (Day 3)

My dad said yes! Tony was expecting him to say no, but I was still hoping that he'd say yes. I guess I've won this bet, Tony, not that he's complaining any.

A lot of the kids from that daycare I use to go to as a kid are planning on coming. that's what Cookie is telling me, at least. Wow. I haven't seen some of those guys in years. I wonder how much they've changed.



Dear Diary, (Day 12)

We've finally arrived at our destination. I wish I still understood how to work that portal we used as kids. It would have taken a lot less time to get here had we been able to just hop through the portal like we use to.

We are a day early. Cookie, Tony and I all came together. Tony drove, even though I wanted to drive too. He wouldn't let me...

Lizzie and Kat are supposedly arriving early in the morning tomorrow. I haven't heard from Kat or Lizzie in a long time. I know they both moved a few states away from the Daycare. I think Tony's kept in touch with Kat at least, but after middle school started, it was difficult to keep in touch, and by high school, we had all stopped talking.

Kat and Tony talk at least once a week though. Sometimes I pop in and say "hi", but Tony gets really annoyed when I do that. I think they may be dating now. Who knows.

Everyone else is either arriving in the late afternoon or evening tomorrow, or they are going to be arriving the day after tomorrow. I don't know who all is coming, Cookie would only tell me about Lizzie and Kat, since the four of us use to be a friend group in elementary and all. I don't know though.

Can you keep a secret, Diary? I kind of hope Ryan is coming.

No, I don't still have feelings for him! We haven't even spoken since freshman year, and that was only because he was in town to visit family. He moved basically to the other side of the country after Daycare...

I've moved on, really!

I just a haven't really talked to him in three years, and now we're both going into college. I wonder where he's going. Wouldn't it be crazy if we wound up at the same one?

Stop judging me, I really don't think of him that way anymore. Besides, I only remember him as who he was in Daycare... He's probably a completely different person, okay?



Dear Diary, (Day 13)

It's 2AM, and Lizzie and Kat should be arriving within the next 2 hours.

I just realized I forgot to tell you where we are! So we are actually really close to where the old Daycare use to be. Cookie found this huge mansion for us to rent for the week. It's really quite cool. I haven't explored everything yet, but there are at least 10 bedrooms in this place, a pool, and a basement with a bowling ally.

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