Best Friends = Revenge Buddies

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Tina screamed in rage.




Ryan couldn't just... Get a girlfriend!

And why her of all people, why the one girl Tina couldn't stand.

Why'd it have to be Goldy?

Little did she know this was a prank, and little did everyone else know how much this was going to change the Daycare.


Tina pulled out her lightsaber, and ran at Goldy, but before she could hit the little oblivious traitor that was Ryan's new girlfriend, she was back at the front of the Daycare with the message "You died" in front of her face. This only caused the tiger child to grow even more angry.

And in an action that caught everyone off guard, including Tina, Tina didn't go after the other child.

She instead dropped her lightsaber on the ground, and ran down the stairs to Unicorn's Lab.

Unicorn heard Tina's crying before he saw the person he had recently been seeming as his "Friend Zoned Buddy." As such, he was able to properly prepare himself to deal with another round of "Ryan screwed up everything again" and get Tina's motivation back, just as yesterday he had come to her for the same purpose, the roles reversed.

Unicorn set down his wrench that he was using to tighten the bolts on the machine, and he turned to watch the door for the girl he knew needed emotional restoration.

Tina burst in, as always, and she was crying up a storm. It hadn't always been like this. It use to be a lot easier to deal with the constant disappointment, but it came everyday, and to be honest it was getting ridiculous.

"What happened?" Unicorn asked as soon as Tina came in. He quickly walked to the freezer and grabbed out the two tubs of mint chocolate chip, and their spoons, before joining Tina in the couch.

"This is about to suck for you too." Tina sobbed, pulling out a tissue from the tissue box on the coffee table, wiping her nose, and then taking a bite of ice cream.

"Goldy? And Ryan? What did they do?" Unicorn asked nervously.

"They're freaking dating, Unicorn! This is so stupid! I dedicate 4 years of my life to that boy and you dedicate 2 years of your life to her, and they think we're jokes!" Tina sobbed again before stuffing her mouth with more ice cream.

"They're dating?"

Tina nodded.

"You wanna kill them?"

Tina nodded again.

"Would you rather a more painful revenge for them?"

Tina nodded eagerly.

"Let's play a game."

~~~~~~Time Skip Brought to you by Tootsie Rolls! The only thing keeping the Author from going crazy from the lack-of-plot in Daycare episodes! Get one today! (#NotSponsored)~~~~~~

"Ryan?" Unicorn said, coming up the stairs. He had eyeliner and mascara on, along with some bright eyeshadow. He also was chewing gum. He had on a gliter-ified version of his super hero suit, and he truly looked like a queen. The makeup was seeable though the mask somehow, and his beard was gone.

"What... The... Heck..." Ryan gasped, looking up to see Unicorn.

"Goldy?" Tina said with an attitude. She was looking quite similar to Unicorn, with exaggerated makeup, a leather Tiger onesie, and sparkles. Lots and lots of sparkles.

"Tina???" Goldy asked, confused.

"We are leaving." Unicorn suddenly spoke, his voice sounding quite strange.

"What?" Ryan asked, "Where? Why?"

"Hunnie. We want to enter RuPaul's Drag Race!" Tina giggled sassily.

"Yaaaas, Queen." Unicorn high fived Tina.

"But... You can't leave!" Goldy exclaimed.

"Yeah, you guys are part of my YouTube business!" Ryan said.

"Beeeeeach? You don't need us!" Unicorn exclaimed. "All people care about is the love interest! Ie Goldu. Ie you don't need us."

"We out!" Tina exclaimed.

"By hunnies!" Unicorn waved, and the two walked out arm and arm.

"Peace!" Tina yelled for the Author.

"What... The heck... Just happened?" Ryan asked.

"Don't worry. They'll be back by the next One Shot!" Goldy said cheerfully.

"I mean, you aren't wrong." Ryan shrugged.

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