Skydiving (Tyan)

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Okay so this is weird, I found this one in my notes. It was already done but had never been posted before. So I guess you guys get this now. It is supper fluffy and sweet, so beware of cavities as we proceed. You asked, so you shall receive! I hope you enjoy!

"Alright. So let me get this straight." 


"You want me-"


"And you-"


"To go into the portal-"





"That's right."

"Why?" Tina was suspicious. Why alone?

"Because Goldy is scared of heights and Unicorn doesn't want I to go. He says he could just fly if he wanted." Ryan explained.

"And the others?" Tina wasn't opposed to spending time with her Cutie, she just couldn't help but think this was some sort of prank or something.

"They don't talk much, so it wouldn't be as exciting." Ryan said calmly. Internally, however, he was freaking out. Did I just ask her out on a date?! Well I didn't say it was a date, it could just be a hang out? Oh who is going to buy THAT, Ryan. Get good kid.

"Oh." Tina sighed, finally understanding the request. "Ok!" 

"Awesome! Let's go. Do you want to countdown?" He offered as the two ran to the portal.

"No, you do it. I like it when you do it." Tina told him.

"Ok! In 3...2...1...Go!" Ryan counter down.

"Go!" Tina chimed in.

"Woooooaaaaah!" They both said as their organs reconfigured inside of them. They were on an airplane with parachute gear on. 

"I though you were taking me to a place that provides the services to go sky diving! Not just putting us in the plane!" Tina yelled.

"There is only one way down now!" Ryan smirked.

"Yeah! Wait for the plane to go down!" Tina responded.

"If you jump there is a kiss at the bottom." Ryan said, wanting to do this with someone. 

"What are we waiting for?!" She grabbed his hand and the two jumped out of the plane.

"Tina! You didn't let me..." Ryan sighed, knowing he wasn't going  to be heard over her screaming.

Tina immediately regretted jumping. She started screaming immediately, but Ryan held on to her. He carefully fastened her to him, though they were falling.

"You're okay, I've got you." Ryan told her, helping her get into position to continue falling the right way.

"I forgot we were meant to be attached." Tina sobbed loudly.

"It's fine. I've got you now. You are okay." He reassured her. "Just don't do that again."

The two continued falling, until Ryan eventually deployed his parachute. The two were jerked upwards, and into an upright position. Ryan carefully maneuvered the parachute to land where he wanted to land.

"See, it's not so bad." He said as they drifted down.

"It's really bad." Tina whimpered, hiding her face in her hands. Ryan pulled her hands away from her face. 

"Tina, look."

Tina's breath was sucked out of her as the sunset was in full display before her. It was setting behind some mountains. It was the most beautiful thing Tina had ever seen in her entire life, other than Ryan, obviously. "Whoa."

"Arizona sunsets are way better than beach sunsets." Ryan told her. Tina nodded in reply.

"So? Do you hate it still?" Ryan asked.

"I don't hate anything I do with you, Cutie." Tina stated. Ryan knew she wasn't lying in the slightest. A grin cake to his face.

"Even if we were to go to the spider section at the zoo?" He teased.

"Ahhh! I hate spiders though."

"So you'd hate going?"

Tina considered this. "I guess if you were there to protect me, it wouldn't be so bad." She finally resolved.

Ryan felt his cheeks get warm, but he figured it was just because they were in the valley of the sun. Everything was hot here.

Eventually the two dropped down to the ground. Ryan unbuckled the two of them from the parachute harness. As soon as she was free, Tina immediately turned to him.

She wanted Ryan to initiate the kiss he had promised her, and though she hated being patient, she still waited. The reward would be worth it.

Ryan watched as Tina watched him get himself free from the harness. As soon as it was off, he stepped out.

I should probably give her what I promised her. The boy leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Tina let out a squeal and hugged him in return. Ryan laughed at her cuteness.

"I brought snacks." He told her, holding out a lunchbox that had been clipped to the parachute. "We can finish watching the sunset if you want."

Tina nodded happily. They used the parachute as a picnic blanket and watched the sunset together while eating snacks.

And that was another day at Daycare. Ryan though to himself, smiling.

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