The Broken (New Story Announcment!)

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Hey there guys! So by the time you read this the first chapter is out for my new book, The Broken! It was actually meant to be a one shot but it got too long for that! You should go over and check it out! Anyways, I'll post the first chapter here too, just so I'm not wasting your time with this announcement. Okay! Hope you enjoy. (The second chapter will be posted up on the actual story in about an hour, so if you want to read the rest after this sneak preview, go check it out, alright?! Anyways, see you later guys! Peace!

Welcoming Ash503 to The Game.

Well. I've done it. I got in.

What do you mean, you may ask. Well, welcome to my world. My name is Ashton Faith, although online you might know me as Ash, Ash503, or Tina The Tiger. I have my best friends named Mark and Janet, though you may know them as Slade and Goldy. I have an almost best friend named Luke, though most know him by his internet name, Unicorn Mann. And I also have a boyfriend named Ryan, or RyGuyRocky.

Wait no, did, I did have a boyfriend.

No we didn't break up or anything sappy like that, he was just chosen.

What did I say? Welcome to my world.

Every year we we have this thing called "The Game." We don't know how it happens, or who controls it, we just know that every year, 1o youtubers from around the world go missing, and every year, only 1 youtuber from every comes back, not remembering anything of the event. And this year, Ryan went in.

It was that day that I broke, it was that day I swore my revenge on whomever, or WHATever, is taking all of these people, that took my Ryan, and destroyed my life.

It was just a week later that SHE showed up. A girl who called herself "The Coder." A girl who was only 17 years old, and still knew how to kick butt better than anyone I've ever seen this side of the Atlantic Ocean. A girl, who told me she could help me get my boyfriend back. It was just three days after that that she took me to her base. A place she called "The Computer." A place that I would spend the next month of my life working at, learning, and preparing.

As I learned how to fight, I also learned more about The Game. I learned that the people who run it aren't killing any of the YouTubers, they are just keeping them, holding them hostage. There is no known motive, but it's clear something bigger is going on.

And then it was time.

After a month of training and learning, I was ready.

"Ashton Faith, you have proved that you are capable of many things, from now on, to us, you shall be known as "The Dove." We believe in you." The leader, "The AI" told me. The AI, or jus AI as everyone calls her, isn't really an AI, she's a human being, like me. However, unlike me, she isn't an official YouTuber.

That's why they need me, because only YouTubers can enter.

"Ash-sorry. Dove. Stay safe, okay?"

"I will. Thank you, Code, for teaching me."

"No worries. I want them out as much as you do." Code responded. "Look, I've found a weakness in the mainframe. I found a way to make you almost invisible and unbeatable, but you need to trust yourself completely. Do you believe you can do this?"

"I can. For Ryan and for everyone else in The Game."

"Alright. Get ready to teleport."

Those were the last words I heard from Code. And now, I'm here.

Welcoming Ash503 to The Game.

Please Stay With Me (Minecraft Daycare Oneshots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora