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Goldy was walking home. She turned right into an ally, a short cut to get her home faster. It had been another day at Daycare, just like every day. And just like everyday, Goldy was kinda glad to be headed home. She had expected to go out with Unicorn to see a movie or get a smoothie or something like that, but he had been too busy to hang out with her today, so she was just going home now.

Goldy hears a noise from behind her, the sound of feet. She turns around to see someone in a dark hoodie, his face hidden from her.


"Give me your wallet." He interrupts in an urgent tone of voice.

"What? Why?"

The other person pulls out a gun. "Give me your wallet."

Goldy's eyes widen in fear. Sure she can respawn at the Daycare, something about the portal magic ensures that, but she had never died outside of the Daycare before. What if it was permanent out here?

Not knowing what else to do, the girl slowly pulled out her wallet, fear causing tears to start to form in the corners of her eyes, but she quickly pushed them back down before the robber could see them. She begrudgingly holds the wallet out to him.

The guy hesitantly takes it from her hand, before slamming it on the ground. Before Goldy can react, the sounds of gunshots and screaming fill her ears. Goldy shuts her eyes closed before she can see what's happening, collapsing to the ground as an instinct.

The screaming stops, as do the gunshots.

Goldy slowly opens her eyes to see the robber standing over the smoking form of her wallet.

"You're safe now." He tells her, putting his gun back in its holster and offering his hand to her.

Goldy is hesitant to take his hand, but she does anyways, and stands up.

"What was that?" She asks softly.

"That was a mimic." He responds. "The next time you opened your wallet, it was going to eat your hand."

"Oh." Goldy nodded. "Thank you."

"It was nothing, I was just doing my job. Stay safe and stay clear of mimics."

"Thank you. I will." Goldy nodded. The man nodded once more to her before he turned and walked away, leaving Goldy to her thoughts as she tried to figure out what had happened.

I know it's a shortie, but I was think about bringing back a few one shots a week for you guys as social distancing seems to want to go longer than we were experiencing it to. Thoughts? Hope you enjoyed! See you next time!

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