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Let me just say. I'm doing this because I wanted to do this because I like all the "text chat stories" and there are like NONE about Daycare that are like... realistic? So I'm making ONE CHAPTER. That is all. OK, enjoy! (NOTE: This is a bit like a cross over between Dragons and Daycare. So... Yeah... It was meant to be just Daycare but it ended up crossing with Dragons because of how people were interacting with one another.) Also, my word counter said this was longer, so I'm unsure of what's going on...

 Tiger_Girl created The Gang.

Tiger_Girl added RyGuy, Uni_Mann, and Yellow to the group.

Tiger_Girl: Hey guys? So you, know how we were talking about making a group chat?

Tiger_Girl: Yeah so I did it.

Tiger_Girl: :D

RyGuy: Thanks, Tina, but shouldn't we be adding the other kids?

Tiger_Girl: I only know your guy's and Tony's users on here...

Yellow: I know Sal's!

Tiger_Girl: Why does that not surprise me?

Uni_Mann: I know Lizzie's and I think she knows Cookie's and Cookie knows like basically everybody.

Tiger_Girl: Hang on, LIZZIE has this?

Uni_Mann: Yeah.

Tiger_Girl: Second hang on, why do you have Lizzie's user?

Uni_Mann: We were working on a project together at one point.

Tiger_Girl: And why don't I have the other girl's yet?

Tiger_Girl: Okay, add Lizzie.

Uni_Mann added Book_Worm to the group.

Book_Worm: Unicorn? Why am I added here?

Uni_Mann: Can you add Cookie? She has most of the Daycare in her contacts. We are trying to start a Daycare group chat.

Tiger_Girl: Please?

Book_Worm: Uhh, yeah... Hang on.

Yellow: Can I add Sabre?

Tiger_Girl: You have Sabre's?

RyGuy: I haven't seen him in forever!

Yellow: Yeah, we've been keeping in touch through this app.

RyGuy: I guess you can add him. He has a room after all. :)

Book_Worm added Cookies5Ever to the group.

Yellow added Chicken_Boi to the group.

Cookies5Ever: Is this a Daycare Group chat?

RyGuy: Yes.

Cookies5Ever: Hang on... I'll add the others...

Tiger_Girl: Thanks. <3

Cookies5Ever added Tiger_Dude, Dino_Dude, Duck_Dude, Kitty_Kat, and Winged_Gal to the group.

Tiger_Dude: Is this a group chat for the Daycare?

Dino_Dude: It would seem that way.

Duck_Dude: Wait... Then why us Sabre here?

Duck_Dude: is*

Uni_Mann: Tell me about it.

Chicken_Boi: Hello!

Yellow: SABRE!!!

RyGuy: Where have you been?

Chicken_Boi: Uhhh... Busy...

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