The Author's Dice Are Broken | Part 3

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"Okay so like, I'm gonna roll for initiative and stuff..." The Author explained.

"Back to past tense?" Tina asked.

"DON'T JUDGE ME!" The Author shouted. "Uhh Right, the order is: Ace Follower 3, Ace Follower 2, Unicorn_Mann, Ace, Tina, Goldy, Ryan, Ace Follower 2."

"You didn't give them names?" Ryan asked.

"Fine... 3, your name is Alison, 2, you are Tyler, and 1, you are Turtle."

"Thanks!" Alison, Tyler, and Turtle said together.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Alison, top of the round, what do you wanna do?"

"I go up to Unicorn and punch him."

"You hit and do 1 point of damage."

"Well that sucks..." Alison sighs.

"Tyler! Your turn!"

"I go for Unicorn too, because I don't wanna hit a girl."

"Tyler can be a girl name if you want." The Author shrugged. "I never assigned you genders or anything."

"Eh, I'll be a guy."

"Okay, cool. You miss. Unicorn, it's your turn."

"I want to hit Tyler cause he just tried to hit me."

"Okay. You miss, and got a 1 so you actually hit Goldy instead and she takes 1 point of damage."

"I think your D6 is broken." Ryan commented.

"So do I. Ace?"

"I attack Ryan."

"Alright, you hit and he takes 2 points of damage."

"Get rekt!" Ace yelled.

"Tina, your turn."

"I use my lightsaber on Ace."

"Finally someone uses a weapon. Geeze. You hit and do 8 points of damage."


"Oof." Ace said.

"This is Minecraft, not Robloxs." The Author reminded. "Goldy?"

"I use Tina to hit Alison."

"I'm gonna give you disadvantage on that, but you can certainly try..."


"You got a natural 1... You slip and fall over instead and take 4 points of damage."

"That D4 isn't broken though?" Ryan asked.

"Guess not." The Author shrugged. "Ryan your turn."

"I use MY lightsaber on Ace."

"Okay, you miss. Turtle?"

"I go for Tina with my knife."

"What do you have?" The Author asked.


"No!!!" The Author screamed. "Okay you hit and do 6 damage."

"YEET!" Turtle yelled.

"Alison, it is your turn again."

"I see Goldy on the ground and try to attack her."

"She is prone so you get advantage... Which is good because you almost got a 1. You hit and she takes four damage. But now you are on the ground and prone..."

"Oops?" Alison asked.


"I try to use a rock and throw it at Unicorn. A pointy rock."

"Okay? You hit and do 6 points of damage."



"I hit Tyler back!" Unicorn exclaimed.

"NATURAL TWENTY! You hit and do... 3 x 2 is 6 damage!!!"

"FINALLY!" Unicorn exclaimed.

"Ace, your turn."

"I try and hit Ryan with a glass bottle."

"Where the heck did you get that?"

"I dunno."

"Fair enough. You also got a critical hit of natural 20."

"That should be illegal." Ryan sighed.

"You do 6 x 2 is 12 points of damage! Ryan is down! Tina, it is your turn."

"I would like to rage..." Tina demanded.

"Oh shoot..." The Author exclaimed.

"And hit Ace."

"THIRD NATURAL 20 IN A ROW! You hit and do. 2 x 2 + 2 is 6 damage! Ace is down! Goldy?"

"I get up, then attack Alison."

"She is prone so you get advantage. You hit and do 5 points of damage. Turtle, it's your turn."

"I try and attack Tina."

"Okay, you miss. Alison?"

"I get up and try and attack Goldy."

"You hit and do 3 points of damage. Goldy is down! Tyler!"

"I attack Unicorn!"

"You miss. Unicorn?"

"I attack Tyler again."

"You hit and do 5 points of damage! Tyler you are down! Tina we are back at your turn."

"I attack Turtle with my lightsaber."

"You JUST hit. You do 7 + 2 is 9 points of damage! Turtle! It is your turn!"

"I try and hit Tina again."

"Okay, you JUST missed. Alison?"

"I'm gonna attack Unicorn."

"You hit and do 2 damage."


"Talk to the dice." The Author shrugged. "Unicorn?"

"I hit Alison."

"Another critical hit slash natural 20, you do 5 x 2 is 10 damage. Alison is down! Tina?"

"I attack Turtle."

"You miss. Turtle?"

"I attack Tina."

"You hit and do 4 points of damage. Tina, you are down! Which means you lose your rage."

"Dang it..." Tina sighed.


"I guess I attack Turtle."

"You hit and do 6 points of damage. Turtle is down, making Unicorn the winner!!!"

"The dice hate me too..." Ace complained.

"Alright, cool. I'm gonna go now!" The Author exclaimed.

"But Wait!" Tina cried out. "If you go there is no one to write the rest of the fanfi-" 

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