Tyan with Hats Part 7

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I am back from vacation! I am so glad to be home! I hope you enjoy this next installation in the series! Any guesses as to what comes next and how it might be different from the original series? Let me know!

Tina's eyes were expertly trained on a sheep. She was going to try this "animal" thing again. It would hurt, she knew, but she needed to find a way to get Ryan back. She prowled towards the sheep, slowly and quietly, as if she was hunting a human. She tried to imagine the sheep as a human, something she could actually eat to keep her alive.

Wait, why was her life more important than this human's that she was now hunting? The human wasn't to blame for her being a zombie. The human probably had a wife and a family and kids! She shouldn't take this human away from his family.

Or maybe the human had a girlfriend like herself. A zombie.

What if this human was like Ryan?

She couldn't stop herself from imagining the human was Ryan, looking disappointingly at her while she hunted humans.

No, she would not kill this human.

She wouldn't kill Ryan!

She snapped back to her senses. This wasn't Ryan, this was a sheep.

Still, the link was there. She would never be able to look at this sheep the same way again.

If she couldn't eat the sheep, maybe she could keep the sheep as a pet.

The zombie pounced.

The sheep bah'ed in panic.


It was weeks later and Tina was looking at a chair that looked like a hand, made out of faces.

The sheep now had a mask that looked like Ryan. Tina had made it during her last killing spree, as her fight for sanity seemed more and more futile every day. She hoped Ryan's face might help her.

"Baaaaah!" The sheep seemed disappointed, like Ryan...

"Hmm? Who, me?" Tina asked, pretending not to mind. It was fun to play. It kept her mind from replaying the sounds of innocent people screaming over and over again in her mind.

"Bah bah bah bah, bah?" Tina could almost hear the words: "What is that thing, Tina?" It was if this sheep and Ryan shared a psychic connection.

"What ever could you be referring to?" Tina acted cold and uncaring. She hated it when this persona came out to play, but at least it beat the screams of the innocent.

"Bah bah bah bah, bah!" Ryan the Sheep gestured to the new chair. He seemed to say "That thing right there, Tina!"

"Oh, you mean the hand chair. Well, I've recently taken up carpentry." Tina didn't mention the faces. They were obviously there. She would wait until this conversation with Sheep Ryan took her there.

"Bah bah bah bah!" or "It is a monstrosity!" Tina crossed her arms.

"Now how would you feel if I called YOUR work a monstrosity?" She sniped.

"Rah rah rah?" Tina took that to mean "You used faces?"

"Of course I used faces. If I didn't I would have been disrespecting the art."

"Bah bah bah, bah?" - "How is that, Tina?"

"It's called modernism, but I made it more modern by using the faces of city council members." Tina spoke like it wasn't a big deal. Maybe it wasn't. She had done a lot of weird stuff in her days. Still, she wondered if she should be a bit worried about herself over the fact that she could speak like killing mass amounts of people wasn't a big deal.

"Why, Tina?" Is the phrase Tina interpreted from the noises the sheep was making.

"I disagreed with the election results! Someone had to take a stand. I am a patriot and a hero!" She was anything but, and she knew it, but that didn't keep the words from coolly sliding from her lips.

"You can't do that, Tina!" Tina figures the sheep said.

"Listen, if you're so upset, I can see the faces back on. I think the bodies are still in my blood canal."

"You are crazy, Tina."

"Yeah, sure, I'M crazy. Not the people who elected these bafoons!"

"You are clearly overreacting, Tina."

"If you paid any attention to the city charter meetings, you would know that this wasn't an over reaction." It was. All that had been said at the recent city charter meeting was building plans to expand the city. Lies lies lies, that's all Tina could do nowadays.

The sheep turned around, huffing in annoyance.

"What are you doing?" Tina asked.

"Turning around."

"What for, we are in the middle of a conversation. You can't just turn around while we are talking!"

The sheep laid down on the floor, facing away from Tina.

"Humph," it huffed.

"This is really annoying."

"You are the annoying one."

"You don't even care about my feelings, so you?"

"So what if I don't?"

"Please just stand up and look at me, Ryan."

The sheep stood up in its two front hooves, doing a handstand and looking back at Tina.


"I don't even know who you are anymore."

"Taking the mask off!"

"No, you cannot take the mask off! It has to look right when I throw you in my meat canal!"

Tina felt her heart scream as her body dragged the crying sheep she had spared just weeks before into the blood canal. She hated that she had no control over herself when she needed it the most. She watched through her own eyes as her body went back to the house to pack enough supplies to head towards the next town of victims, wherever they might be. A single tear escaped her eyes, but her body swatted it away.

"I'm so sorry, Ryan." She said in her head as her body began to take the road to the next town.

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