Best Friends (FavreMyRyan)

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For the record. I have nothing against Gina Shippers or anyone who's ships aren't the same as mine. Who I do have a problem with are people who refuse to listen to facts and act like two year olds. So I'm not a Trump supporter. (Just joking, :P you will never know my political stances unless you find me irl or elsewhere on the internet.) I'm also against bullying. I want it made clear that from here on out, if I see anyone in the comments bashing someone's opinion just to make them feel bad, you will get one warning and then you will be reported if it happens again. I hate to do this, but the bullying in the comments has gotten to great. I came to Wattpad because I wanted a place to share what I like to do with others, not to battle over what ships are superior. That being said, if any of you have requests for ANY ship, and you promise no more arguing in the comments, I will be taking these requests for the next few days and doing them. Only one per person. Also don't give me a plot outline, I do everything myself, just leave a ship or whatever. Now please, enjoy the story, or don't, in which case, be nice anyways.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Someone called out. Ryan walked out of his office to see what the commotion was about. As he exited and turned towards the main entrance, he saw someone he never thought he would see again.


"Ryan! Where is everybody?" The boy in the chicken suit asked, his head tilted to the right.

"They are all at home, it's Spring Break." Ryan explained. "No one is meant to come in for the next few days." Ryan answered, flustered. He hadn't expected to see Chicken Gizzard ever again. It was strange, like seeing someone else in the mirror, or spotting your teacher at the grocery.

"Oh. Of course I pick the WORST time to come home, huh." Sabre sighed. "At least you are here! Why aren't you enjoying break?"

"I have stuff I have to do. Tina's here too doing stuff in her base, and Unicorn is in his basement. We are all just working." Ryan shrugged.

"Is Goldy here?" Sabre asked hopefully.

"Uhhhh... No." Ryan answered. "She's at home."

"Oh. Well, can you hang out, if you aren't to busy with 'work,' that is..." Sabre asked.

"Sure, we can hang out. I haven't seen you in so long, where have you been?" Ryan asked, starting the walk up to the portal.

"Well, you see..."


"That was awesome!" Ryan exclaimed, "I forgot what an awesome competition feels like! Tina always lets me win, and Unicorn and Goldy aren't the greatest competition to be honest."

"Yeah, I know, right! We should definitely hang out more often! I miss hanging out with you, you're the best."

For a moment the two just stared at one another in an awkward silence.

"Right well! Better get going!"

"Hehe, yeah, and I should get back to work."

"Right!" The two laughed sheepishly.

"See you soon?" Sabre asked.

"Sure thing." Ryan nodded, and with that Sabre yeeted his way out the door, leaving Ryan to do work stuff.

"Gotta love best friends." Ryan shrugged before returning to his office.

Sorry for it being short (and by short I mean my shortest one shot ever... yikes...). I'll likely do another thing at some point soon, I just needed to get this out here. See you later people! Peace!

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