I Didn't Mean To Hurt You (Asher)

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"Which means, Ash... You don't have to kiss Tycer."

Ash froze. Her gaze switched from Tycer to Lilith, to Tycer again. She looked down at her feet in embarrassment.

"Ummm. Yeah." Ash said shyly, glancing back up at Tycer.

Ash could see the absolute hurt in his eyes as Tycer gazed back at her, before turning, walking over to a nearby hole, and heading down it.

It took Ash a few moments to get her vocal cords to work, and when she finally managed to speak, her words came out as little squeaks, like a scared young kitten. "How are we going to defeat Death?" She whimpered.

Meanwhile, Tycer had climbed back out of the hole and was headed towards his house. Shame was radiating off of him as it does a puppy who knocked over the trash can while their owner was out to get the leftover human treats, but now realizes that it was a bad choice. Ash was the only one who saw him walk away, and man did she feel AWEFUL about it. She had a strange ache right between her ribs-between her chest and her stomach-that made her want to though up.

She silently slipped away as Lilith, Logan, Misty, and Chad discusses war strategies. She felt the need to comfort Tycer.

No that wasn't what prompted her. She wanted to apologize, for not knowing what she wanted when he seemed to have it all figured out, apologize for holding him back and... disappointing him.

She didn't realize that she was crying until she got to his door. She wiped the tears from her face, rubbed her eyes gently, and took a deep breath before knocking on Tycer's door.

Little did she know, that on the other side of the door, Tycer was doing the same thing before he opened the door slowly.

"H-hi." Ash said, if they were still near the group Tycer would have been unable to hear her, as she was so quiet.

"H-hey." Tycer said, breathless. He subtly used his left hand to pinch his right arm behind the door. "Wha-" He cleared his voice before trying again. "What do you need?" He asked, this time with confidence, a sudden lack of emotion as his ego, and more importantly his heart, desperately tried to piece itself back together, and finding that they had gotten painter's tape instead of duct tape to do the seemingly impossible job.

"I-I'm Sorry." Ash blurted out, a single tear escaped from her eye, she desperately tried to wipe it away, and as she did so another tear took its place on her other cheek. Before she knew it, the tears were coming too quickly for her hands to hold them back or try and hide them. The more the tears fell, the more Ash got upset with them, and the more the tears of embarrassment pointed out of her eyes.

Tycer's heart broke once again in that moment, unlike before, where it had broken because of rejection and embarrassment , but because here, before him, Ash, his love, his goal, his princess, was apologizing to him.

"Ash..." Tycer spoke softly.

Ash whimpered softly. "I'm sorry." She apologized again, trying to hold back another wave of tears by covering her eyes completely with her hands, "I can't seem to stop crying." She whispered almost silently. "I'm sorry."

"Ash..." Tycer was fighting back the desperate urge to pull her into a hug. "I should be the one apologizing." His voice broke on the word "apologizing."

"Huh?" Ash sniffed, peaking though her hands and trembling softly.

"I shouldn't have done that to you... back there. I didn't think about how you would feel about having our-" his voice broke again, so he cleared his voice and took a long and deep breath before finishing his sentence. "-having our first kiss in front of everyone."

At this point he was forced to look away from Ash, and instead focused on a tree off in the distance, forcing his tears to leave his eyes without spilling out onto his cheeks.

He didn't realize until there were arms around him and a heavy weight on his shoulders, that Ash had lost the contest of wills first, and had wrapped get arms around him, unable to support her own weight any more, and was silently crying into his should. Tycer looked down at her and slowly wrapped one arm around her upper back, as another came up to her head and began to gently play with her hair. He buried his nose into her gray hair and breathed in. She smelled so lovely, like sugar cookies and pine needles and peppermint.

After a few moments standing like this, Tycer pulled away gently so he could guide Ash into his house. It wasn't like anyone was watching, as everyone else was talking battle tactics, but he always felt safer in his home than out. After all, Death was still a big threat.

Ash pulled back too as soon as they were inside, her arms still holding onto him, but her puffy, red eyes locked onto his, a few inches of space between them now.

"You-you know... I never said I didn't want to kiss you... Just..." She closed her eyes and shook her head slightly, then her eyes were locked on his once more. "I guess I'm not really the "show off" type... You know?" Her eyes desperately searched his face for any sign that he understood... That he wasn't mad at her... That he still wanted her to do what she really wanted to do, even though it wasn't in the setting that he had wanted it to be in.

Tycer chuckled in a whisper, understanding the subtext in her words. He nodded. "I don't want to force you to do anything, Ash."

"I don't know what's going on, Tycer. We aren't really here, right, which is weird because this place... FEELS real. I don't know what's going on in the real world. If Ryan is my boyfriend or if we are together or what, but I know that in this life... We could lose our memories soon if we don't do this right and..."

Tycer nodded, unable to wait any longer, but understanding what she was trying to say. His mouth met hers. Ash let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, and Pulled Tycer closer to her.

And suddenly everything was white.

Ash slowly blinked open her eyes, and took in the room around her. She quickly realized she was slumped against a glass tube, and she suddenly felt extremely claustrophobic. What was she doing here?! She stood up quickly, and immediately regretted it. She looked over to her left and saw her friend, Tycer, was also awake. Memories rushed back.

The simulation! Oh God...

She had kissed Tycer in the simulation...

She had developed FEELINGS for him...

This was going to end up with one very awkward conversation between her and her boyfriend...

She looked to her right and saw her other friends waking up.

"What happened?" Logan asked, groggily.

"How did we get out? We didn't defeat death?" Misty asked.

"Uhhh..." Was all that Ash could say. Luckily she was saved when an older man in a lab coat bust though the door, a younger girl in a lab coat following closely behind.

"Oh thank God!" The man exclaimed. "Uhhhhhh. Tootsie. Open the tubes up!"

"I've got it!" The girl grinned.

The tubes began to lift up, and Ash stumbled out of it.

"I am so sorry you guys... You weren't meant to be in there for so long."

"22 days..." Misty spoke quietly.

"Way too many." The girl in the lab coat shrugged. "Glad you guys are back. Dr. L, I'm going to go let everyone on that list know that they have woken up."

"Thank you." The man nodded. The girl quickly left, sending a smile towards the five.

"Let me get you caught up..." The man said. "A lot has happened."

I'm done! I wrote this immediately after Friday's episode. Did any of you see the Endgame reference? "We've been here for 22 days!" -Chad (I believe) "Yes, 21 days more than expected." -Lilith. "I've been here for 21... No 22 days." -Tony Stark. Only realized it as I was writing this Oneshot. May do a part two, may not. We will have to see... Anyways guys, I'll see you later Asher Fans! Peace!

By the way, I totally saw that this was gonna be some sort of simulation ever since Ash's flashback...

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