Cupcakes (Rash)

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Ryan sighed as he pulled up to the offices, he got out of his car and locked it behind him. He headed upstairs, pulling out his keys to unlock the door. He pulled it open, yawning in the process.

I shouldn't have stayed up so late watching YouTube. He thought to himself. Ahh well. There's nothing I can do now. He opened the door and was immediately hit with the sweet smell of vanilla cupcakes. He was also greeted with the noise of someone humming. He smiled and opened the door fully, stepping inside.

"Ah! Oh, it's just you, Ryan." Ash sighed. She was spinning around the kitchen, humming a tune. She was currently mixing together some frosting.

"What are you up to?" Ryan asked.

"I wanted to surprise everyone with cupcakes, but if I did it at home the girls would just eat them all before they could get here." Ash laughed, turning on the blender to mix together her ingredients. She turned it off and scooped up a bit to test with her finger. "Perfect!" She exclaimed. She grabbed a couple of bowls from the counter next to her and divided up the icing evenly. She added a few drops of blue to one, pinkish purple to another, yellow to another, and green to the last. She left some of the white alone in the bowl used for mixing.

"If you are just going to stand around and watch, you may as well help me out here." She sighed, holding a spatula out to him.

"What do you want me to do?" Ryan asked.

"Mix the color in until it's even throughout the icing." Ash told him. Ryan nodded and began mixing the blue together while Ash worked on the yellow. Ryan finished first, as Ash had to keep adding more yellow to her bowl, and quickly moved to the green. When Ash finished, she moved to the pinkish purple. Suddenly a timer went off behind her.

Ash set down her bowl and gracefully grabbed the oven mitts off the counter. She put them off and pulled two trays of cupcakes out of the oven, 24 total cupcakes. Ryan licked his lips at the thought of it. She set them out and poked a toothpick through the center of each cupcake. When she was satisfied, she set a timer to let them cool and set out some cooling racks.

"Why don't you let them cool in the tins?" Ryan asked, still working on the green.

"Cooling racks work faster." Ash replied. As soon as the timer went off, Ash move the cupcakes from the tins to the cooling racks. Then she went back to preparing the pinkish purple icing.

Suddenly a mischievous grin appeared on her face as she scooped up some icing with her finger and smeared it on Ryan's face.

"Hey! What was that for?!" Ryan asked, scooping up some green and putting it on Ash's face. Ash squealed and tried to move out of the way, but Ryan cornered her and covered her in icing.

"OK! OK! We're even! You don't need to do more!" Ash cried out, not wanting to start a fight, which she knew would end with frostingless cupcakes. "The frosting is for the cupcakes." Ash reminded him.

"You say that, but I think it looks better on you." Ryan laughed at her.

Ash pouted. "Act that way and you won't get any cupcakes."

"Humpf!" Ryan huffed playfully. Ash giggled at his false anger.

Ash began putting icing in the bags while trying to lick the icing off her face, but she couldn't reach it.

"Hey Ash?"

"Yeah, Ryan?" Ash asked.

"You have a little something riiiiight..." He moved his hand like he was going to wipe the frosting away with his fingers, then last moment he faked her out, licking the frosting off her cheek. "There." He finished.

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