Tyan with Hats Part 6

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I'm giving everyone another chapter today because I'm lazy and will forget that I have to post this if I wait until later. Enjoy! (Also, I don't know when I put the video there, but I can't remove it, so there it stays...)

Ryan walked into his home after a long day at work to find his girlfriend watching a conveyer-belt processing meat that hadn't been there before. Ryan didn't know what to say anymore. This was getting out of hand.

So instead he decided to stare at Tina silently for a few seconds before going upstairs. He didn't want to give her the pleasure that came along with him questioning how and why she did things. She got way too excited by his confusion.

This girl needed help, and Ryan knew he wasn't the person for the job. He sighed and pulled out a suitcase from his closet. He knew what he had to do.

Ryan put a few changes of clothing and all of his essentials before heading down stairs to confront his girlfriend one more time before he would leave.

He stood there for a few minutes, bag in hand, before Tina saw him and turned towards him, waiting for a response.

She didn't get any. He just watched her in silence.

"Aren't you gonna say it?" Tina asked, confused by the lack of expression on her boyfriend's face.

"Say what, Tina?" Ryan asked, so tired of having to deal with all of this every day.

"That, my name, all confused and offended and annoyed and stuff."

"I'm leaving, Tina." Ryan sighed.


"I'm going elsewhere."

"Is it the meat conveyer-belt? Do you not like modern home design? I can put it in another room if you'd like." Tina told him, suddenly panicked that he meant to leave. He couldn't leave. He COULDN'T! She needed him. If he left, who would she have left?

"It's a lot of things, Tina!"

"Wait! Just let me explain!" Tina tried. "The efficiency! Never before has this many dead bodies been so manageable!"


"I'm basically the Henry Ford of human meat!"


"Think of all the zombies I'll be able to feed, mass producing the human meat the way I am!"

"I'm already packed." Ryan motioned to his luggage. "I'm leaving, Tina."

"But I haven't even shown you the big surprise yet!"

"I'm sure it's very upsetting..." Ryan sighed.

"Hmph! Well now I'm not sure if I want to show you!" Tina huffed.

"Good! I do not want to see it!"

"Dang it, Ryan, you are kinda being a jerk right now!" Tina pouted.

"I'm not the one mass-killing people, Tina! What do you even need this much meat for?!"

"I'm not mass-killing, I'm mass collecting."


"As soon as someone dies, I'm using the portals to teleport them in here so I can package them for consumption. Zombies get food, no one dies because of us, it's a win win."

"What if the families want to burry these people? What then?"

"Well, that's just wasteful. How could they be so selfish?"

"Are you serious? These are other people's loved ones!"

"So they would rather have us go around and eat LIVING people?"

"Maybe you could try eating animals?" Ryan suggested.

"Come on, we both know that isn't gonna happen... I thought I was doing better! What have I done to deserve you leaving me?" Tina asked. She was close to tears, and Ryan wanted to give in and just hold her and apologize to her for scaring her, but he couldn't. He had to be strong. He had to find her help, and help just wasn't gonna he found here in Maine.

"It's everything, Tina! It's everything you've ever done ever!" Ryan was almost shouting.

"Everything?" Tina was trying her best to hold back her tears.

"All you do is kill people, Tina!" Ryan yelled.

"That's like saying all Cookie does is bake cookies." Tina bit back.

"You are completely insane, and I can't help you anymore." Ryan finally spit out the facts. A single tear breached the barrier, and slid down his cheek. He swiped it away before, turning away from her.

A large roar was heard from outside.

"Is that the surprise?"


"Did you finish your G&G meat dragon, Tina?"


"Really, because that looks like a giant meat dragon to me."


"It's horrifying, Tina."

Tina didn't speak for a moment, and then she did. "Thank you."

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